Phone call

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~Natasha's POV~

I was sat on my bed, tossing my phone back and forth wanting to call her but didn't want to disturb her while she's working. Should I call her? No, I should.



"Hi sweetheart" Y/n answers, my cheeks burn at the cute pet name
"Hey" I reply shyly
"What can I do for you?" She asks in playful tone
"I just... wanted to hear you" I admit
"Yeah? This doing it for you?" Y/n teases making me chuckle lightly "How has your day been?"
"It was okay. I've had better days. Yourself?" I asks
"I'm still at work. Unfortunately I couldn't get off early" she sighs
"How much do you have left to do?"
"Just one big issue to sort through then I'm free"
Y/n answers "Is he not home?" She questions with genuine concern
"No. He's on a business trip which I found out by a missing suitcase" my tone laced with sadness
"Can you give me just a second?" She asks

~Y/n's POV~


I put myself on mute "Thank you for your cooperation" I smile towards the man on the other end of the blade, slipping it through his throat. The screams ringing in my ear as the blood drops down his body, dripping off his feet as he swings within the air.

I un-mute myself "Sorry about that sweetheart, I'm all yours" I turn on the sink to wash my hands
"I don't want to bother you" Natasha confesses
"You're all good baby. I want to talk to you too" I wipe the speck of blood from my face
"But you're working..."
"And I have a hot girl on the other side of this phone call... which one would you give up?" I question, turning off the tap
"You're just a big flirt aren't you?" I chuckle lightly
"Is that something to turn you on? Or do I need to be there in order for this to work?" I walk over to the front door and begin to make my way out of the apartment complex
"Much better if you were here" I could practically see her biting down upon her bottom lip
"I wish I was, maybe Monday for dinner" I offer walking down the street
"Dinner? What exactly are we getting?" Natasha questions
"Well... I could cook for you or we'd have takeaway. For a rich person like myself I don't really splash it out in fancy restaurants" she sighs in relief
"I hate fancy restaurants. I'll try your cooked food" Natasha admits
"Like were made for each other"
"What's this big 'Problem' you've got?"
"Lena, she's my business partner, wants to sigh on contract with her brother but I'm telling her no because Lex just scams people and if she sighs then my company will go with her and... I'm not prepared to lose my work" I cross over the street into an alleyway to avoid the crowds of people
"I have a movie night with the team but I'll call you tomorrow or you call me" she fumbles her words
"I'll call you tomorrow"

~Time skip~

I sit on the white, cloth arm chair in the corner of the room. An ice cold tumbler of whiskey I'm my hand, the condensation dripping off with the heat from my palm reacting with the ice. I hear the door open and laughing come inside the apartment. Silent shushes as they move further in "Oh baby you look good" the man complements the girl. The pair walk into the office "Y/n" he kisses her neck "Y/N!" They both shout in unison but the girl slaps him and storms out
"You're married" I remind him
"You're a bitch" he groans "You finished the job?"
"Josh, do you really think I'd be here if I didn't?" I question his lack of faith towards me
"Made it look like suicide?"
"At first yes then he started acting up and I wanted to have fun so I slit his throat" I answer honestly
"God damn it!" Josh bangs on the desk
"How's the wife? The kids?" I change the topic
"Don't avoid the consequences of your actions" he warns me
"I've been doing that for years honey, you know this" I stand up and walk over to liquor table "Want one?" I offer, pouring out yet another whiskey
"Please" he practically begs "You're being sloppy with your kills lately"
"Am I... or am I not, doing the job?" I question handing him the tumbler
"That's not the point Y/n and I'd also like to point out you're sleeping with the enemy" referring to Natasha
"It was one night. I doubt I'll ever see her again" I lie
"You better not. The boss won't be happy" I roll my eyes and sit back in the arm chair.

We sit in silence as Josh knows arguing the point won't get him anywhere "Wanna have sex?" He asks
"Not this time. I've got a flight to catch" I stand up and put the tumbler back "See you around Larson" I kiss his cheek before making my way out of his apartment.

~Natasha's POV~

I felt happy, which was a foreign feeling for me lately. I spoke to her, which was calming. I have yet to get a call from Bruce which is daunting, I'm a little worried just in case he's hurt but then again if he didn't leave a message why bother calling?

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