Meeting the family

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The car ride was quite. Natasha was sat in the back, I'd occasionally catch her looking at me in the rear view mirror, with sorrow lacing her eyes. Yelena's music wasn't the upbeat sound we had arriving here, it was more mellow and slow, which bored me but I wasn't the DJ of the ride.

I pulled up into the farm where their parents live, it seems peaceful and relaxing. As soon as I parked the car, Yelena got out and walked straight to the house. Natasha and I did the same but she pulled me back.

"I'm sorry" Natasha apologises
"For what sweetheart?" I question
"This morning. I just worry about her" she informs me
"I know baby. I have Wanda and Pietro as my siblings, you know how protective they can be" we both chuckle lightly "You've just gotta let us make mistakes. Otherwise we won't learn"

"I love you" Natasha wraps her arms around my neck while my hands take ahold of her hips
"I love you" we share a short, soft, tender kiss before Natasha walked me towards the front door where we were greeted by a brunette, who I assume is her mother.

"Natalia!" She greets Natasha and embraces her into a hug before catching my gaze "You must be
"The one and only" I nervously laugh to myself before being caught off guard by the woman hugging me.

"Sorry" Natasha mouths
"Your father is in the farm house. Yelena is already at the table. I'm Melina by the way" she finally introduces herself to me "Do you mind getting him for lunch, please?"

"Yeah" Natasha nods, dragging me along with her towards the farm house "Dad!" She shouts out for him. I look around the wooden barn, peering round every corner "Sweetheart" a mans voices appears from behind me
"Dad, meet Y/n"

I turn around, looking into the eyes of the one who trained me within the agency "Hi. Nice to meet you" I offer a hand to which he takes the kind gesture with a tighter grip than I was looking for.

"Mom wants you inside" Natasha informs him
"Give me 5 minutes with Y/n. You know us dads, have to break them in" Alexei states
"Be nice" she warns him before leaving.

Alexei watched his daughter leave, clenching his fists, wanting to catch me off guard when he threw a punch "I'm not here to kill anyone!" I state, dodging every throw of his fists
"Then why are you here?" He questions
"To meet my girlfriend's parents. I swear, that's the only reason" I explain.

Alexei's movements come to a halt "You know I was the one who taught you to lie, you'd always be better at it but... I can see you're being honest, so I believe you" he nods
"I quit. I no longer work for them" I inform the man.

"I know" Alexei chuckles to himself
"So this was for nothing?" I inquire
"You've still got your swift moves. You've still got it" he praises
"I learnt from you" I remind him.

"Does Natasha know?" Alexei questions as we make our way to the main house
"No. I know I should tell her but it's a little bit more difficult then I imagined. I was trained not to fall in love but I did it anyways" I sigh.

"It'll be better for her to hear it from you then someone else" Alexei mentions to which I nod "Make her happy. Break her heart, I won't hesitate to shot you" he threats
"You don't think I know that?" Alexei opens the door allowing the both of us inside.

"Hey" Natasha greets me quietly as I sit next to her
"You're not dead. Lexie must like you" Melina grins
"She's alright. I've done the dad thing, threatened her. She understands" he mentions.

"What is it you do Y/n?" Melina inquires
"I run the company Maximoff CO, it's a weapons manufacturing company" I explain
"Must be very wealthy" Alexei mentions
"She is!" Yelena expresses "We came over on her jet and were staying in a five star hotel"

In the corner of my eye I see Natasha smiling at her sister, proudly.

"Why Maximoff CO?" Alexei questions
"It's my family name" I state
"Any siblings? Parents?" Melina inquires
"Two. They're twins. No parents, was orphaned at the age of 6" Natasha takes ahold of my hand, squeezing it for reassurance.

"I'm sorry to hear that but I'm sure they both proud of all three of you" Melina wishes
"I sure hopes so" I nod, knowing full well they would not be proud of who I am behind the lies.

Natasha took me on a tour around the farm after finishing the food that Melina cooked for us all "They like you" she smiles happily
"I like them. They're good people" I mention
"What did my dad talk to you about? When Bruce met him, they almost got into a fight. Maybe that was a red flag" she awkwardly laughs to herself.

"How that if I break his daughters heart, he will most definitely send me to my grave. Which is what I deserve if I ever hurt you" I wanna admit
"When I met you, you weren't this cheesy. Now you're all romantic and corny" Natasha states
"It's your fault. I blame you entirely" she rolls her eyes, playfully.

"I have yet to thank you for everything" Natasha stops in her tracks and turns around to face me as I tread behind
"You have nothing to thank me for. I did it as... a friend" I explain
"I have everything to thank you for. You were there for me when I was alone. You always supported me when I didn't even think I needed it. You put up with my constant annoyance" she confesses.

"You know, you saying all this makes me need to thank you. I had it all but friends, you had friends but not it all. You showed me a way out, you became my light within the darkened tunnel. You might not have known it but you helped me more than you think you did" I admit, Natasha nose inches away from mine "You made me love when I thought I didn't deserve it. That is why I'd never hurt you, because hurting you means hurting myself and I can't go through that again"

"So cheesy" she mocks, playfully before sharing a loving kiss with me
"Lovebirds! Let's go!" Yelena calls out, ruining the moment
"Yeah, we hear you" Natasha shouts back, as we head towards the front door where her parents were waiting.

"We hope to see you again Y/n" Melina wishes
"So do I. That chicken recipe was amazing" I complement
"Stay safe, we'll see you soon" Alexei hugs his girls "Protect them for me"
"I will" I agree
"We can protect ourselves" Yelena states.

"Shotgun!" Natasha calls out causing her little sister to whine
"Noooo!" She huffs as they both make their way to the car.

Gotta wait even longer to find out who our target was 😁

Y'all ready for the next chapter?? 😏

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