Mile high club

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"You're late" Natasha states as I greet her outside of the compound
"I know" I sigh, opening the trunk "It's my jet. There's really no time limit on when we can go" I mention, lifting their bags into the back
"We're going in your jet? Yes!" Yelena expresses "Shot gun!" She yells, getting into the passenger side.

"Move" Natasha demands as she keeps the door open
"I called shot gun, meaning you're in the back" Yelena explains
"Y/n!" Natasha whines
"Sorry baby but those are the rules. If one calls shot gun they automatically get the front seat" Yelena sticks up her middle finger towards her sister.

Natasha huffs and gets in the back as I sit behind the wheel "DJ time!" Yelena announces as she connects her phone to the car and she decided to play Stronger by Kelly Clarkson as the first song on this drive to the airport.

Natasha was seated behind Yelena and rested her legs on the arm rest in between my seat and Yelena's. I hug her ankles as I focus on driving while Yelena belts her heart out to California Gurls by Katy Perry.

"You own that?!" Yelena questions as I pull up beside the jet
"I do. I also own a house in Greece and a yacht" I inform the girls
"Show off much, fuck me" Yelena sighs and mumbles the last part
"No, I'm good. I've got your sister for that" I wink before getting out of the car.

"What the fuck!" Yelena's jaw drops along with Natasha's as they step inside the metal cylinder
"And you took me on a plane to Spain" Natasha complains as she chooses a seat for the flight.

"Miss Maximoff. Lovely to see you again. Your drink" Amanda hands me the flute of Prosecco "Would you two like anything?" I question, only to be met with a cold glare from Natasha
"Do you have Vodka?" Yelena inquires
"Yes. Any specific glass you would like that to be served in?" Amanda asks
"I'll just come with you"

As we flew through the air, Yelena had her headphones on, watching the tv screen. I was reading a book while Natasha kept her cool and tried to remain calm whenever Amanda would look, touch or speak to me.

One minute I was peacefully sitting in my chair, the next I was being dragged into the jets bathroom. Natasha's desperation and hunger was soaring through her touch upon my lips and body.

I chuckle lightly against the kiss, picking Natasha up and placing her upon the bathroom counter "Someone's jealous" I grin smugly
"Shut up" Natasha fumbles with the jacket button
"I don't think so" I take ahold of her hands, placing them down by her sides.

"No sound is allowed to come out of the pretty little mouth of yours, understood?" I order, Natasha responds with an eager nod "Good" I lift her up a little so I could removed her jeans along with her underwear.

I drop to my knees, spreading Natasha's legs further apart. I press kisses along her left thigh, taking some of her skin in between my teeth, biting down. Natasha's hand falls onto my scalp. I harshly grip her wrist, pushing it back to her side "No touching" I demand in a low voice.

Going back to what I was doing, leaving marks along her legs. I blow a gust of cold air over her folds causing Natasha to roll her head back into the mirror behind her.

Natasha's muscles clench as she tries not to move or make a sound while I kitten lick over her entrance. The jet hit a little bit of turbulence as my tongue ripples inside of Natasha.

I could feel the vibrations running through her legs as she tried her hardest not to move them. Natasha's walls began to suffocate my tongue as she edged closer to her orgasm.

I tap Natasha's thigh, indicating that I want her to release. I clean up the mess seeping out of the girl before standing up "I was thirsty" I mention "You can talk now baby"
"I've been wanting to do that" Natasha admits
"Yeah? Now you're a member of the mile high club" I welcome her.

"You have nothing to be jealous of. She's not you. I want you" I confess
"I'm sorry" Natasha apologises as she gets redressed in her wobbling state.

We make our way out of the bathroom, catching the disgusted expression on Yelena's face "Couldn't have waited till we landed?" She questions
"Nope" I answer, sitting back into my original seat before Natasha took her place upon my lap.

"We're 15 minutes out, Miss Maximoff" Amanda informs me
"Thank you" I nod
"She's not staying with us, right?" Natasha questions within a whisper
"No sweetheart. She's going back with the jet" I inform her "It'll be just the three of us, until we go to your parents house"

"Hey, Y/n" Yelena calls out "Where are we staying?"
"In a hotel" I state
"She wants to know if it's a five star or a cheap hotel" Natasha sighs
"Oh. It's a five star"
"Yes!" Yelena cheers quietly.

"Shot gun!" Natasha expresses as she gets closer to the car after we landed
"Damn it!" Yelena beats herself up, I roll my eyes at the pair before I help load in our bags.

On the drive, Natasha took ahold of my hand as it was placed on the gear shift. I lift our hands up, placing a kiss upon the back of Natasha's. I leave her hand in front of my mouth.

"Ew, couples" Yelena mumbles, looking out of the window, watching the flickering lights pass us by.

"See you in the morning" Yelena goes into her room as Natasha and I walk further down the hall but before Yelena's door shut we hear her shout "Holy shit!"

"Thank you" Natasha half smiles
"For what sweetheart?" I open the door to our room
"My sister has always wanted to live a day in your shoes before she met you obviously. This is for filling her dreams" Natasha confesses
"And what are yours?" I question, stepping closer to the girl.

"To be happy after everything it's all I've ever dreamt of" Natasha answers
"I will do anything within my power to make sure your happiness shines through everyday" I assure her "Because every laugh, every smile, every bright face you display towards me is something that replays within my mind and I don't want to get rid of them" I pour my heart out
"So cheesy" Natasha chuckles lightly, pressing our foreheads together.

"Always" I reply.

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