1) First time holding her and the happiness❤️🌏❤️ (scar)

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Age : newborn and 2 years

Tw: none ..

Kinda short..Next shots will be big...


Scar pov :

"Push ...One more"

"Ughh...I can't..I am too tired..."i say while sweat forms all over me...

* Yeah it's Scarlett Johansson giving birth to her child...It's me...The baby's dad didn't want it...So he left ...And ik will fight with all my might to keep her safe *

"Ahhhhhhh" i push one more time...

I hear the room filled with a baby's voice...

"It's a girl !" Doctor said

Lizzie and cobie was  with me all the time while I gave birth to my daughter...Lizzie was her godmother...

Lizzie and cobie hold each other and cried...Rest of the mcu cast was outside waiting for me

And cobie cut the umbilical cord.....And nurse cleaned her and placed her on me...

She was so angelic...And u know the best part ...She was smiling...

" I will keep u protected and safe always my baby"...I say kissing her...

"We will always love u and protect u from  every harm  whatever it takes..." Cobie and lizzie said..

All of the cast came in...

"Have u decided a name ?" Chris (E) said..

"Y/n Lizzie cobie Johansson.." i said...

Lizzie and cobie froze for a moment ...And looked at me...

"Aww thts so cute of u scar..." Cobie said...

Everyone hold her ....She did not cry much...She knew she was in safe hands..
After sometime , she began to fuss ...So everyone left the room...I was alone with her...

" Are u hungry bubba?"..

I put down my hospital gown and my breast got exposed and she latched on...

I looked at her peaceful green eyes ...Her plump lips...Her button nose...She had exact features like me...She held my one finger with her hand while feeding...

After 20 mins she latched off ..... Iwas mesmerised by the precious baby i have created...I could not believe she is mine...my own...I made her.......She grew up in my womb...She feed from me...She came from me... Tears roll down my cheek....

Everyone came in...And we celebrated... rdj was the god father

~some days later~
I was sitting on my couch...With y/n in my hand... Admiring her...

Suddenly the bell rang everyone came in dressed...
Then out of no where cobie wearing a suit ...

She knelled down and said...

"Scar will u marry me...And make me the happiest women on this earth and make this house into our home...Make ur daughter into our daughter....I will love u for rest of my life until my last breath.."

Everyone was excited...

I was not even dressed and was holding y/n ...


Everyone cheered and cobie kissed me passionately..

Time skip

We got married and y/n was very happy with cobie ...And cobie also loved her with all her heart..

So its scarlett johansson smulders...

I love my life...

~2 years later ~

We sat on a beach... with Cobie's arms wrapped around me ..
We saw our kids playing on the beach...


His name is : Jason Matthew Johansson smulders...

Y/n turned two...And I carried our boy...He looked like cobie....y/n was a bit fussy at. first but it is good now..

"Babe ..." Cobie said with smirk ...

"Hmm?" I said looking at her...

"Kiss me.."

I kissed her with all love and passion i had...
Then we sat together into each other's arms with our children playing around us...


Happy life...

Suggestion and requests if any??

Thanks for reading...

More mama scar and nat are there...So don't worry...

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