22) Born and meeting the cast ❤️🌏 (scar)

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Age : newborn . 2 days old .

Tw: none


(Thursday 24th june 2027 ) ~4 a.m.~

{ 9 months pregnant )

Scarlett's pov :

"Omg !! Babe my water broke " Scarlett yelled .

"Ok ok.Calm down breath !! I am getting the hospital bag" colin said and grabbed the bag.

"Oww ...Babe ...." Scarlett yelled again . U kicked inside her while trying to come out . That's why she was having much more pain.

Colin took Scarlett and drove to the hospital. Other cast members could not come..Actually colin and Scarlett went to uk for some important work. Scarlett didn't want to travel with u being 9 months pregnant . It was urgent and important so they had to go . And Cosmo and rose were with Lizzie and robbie.

They took Scarlett to the labour room and doctor checked her .

"U can't give birth right now...U are only 2 cm dilated ...U have to wait.." doctor said

"Omg!! The baby kicks so hard ..." Scarlett yelled.

"Yeh ...But u have to be strong babe" Colin said and sat beside Scarlett

" Yeah..But it hurts.." Scarlett yelled again..

*After 30 hours *

(Friday 25th june 2027) ~10a.m.~

"Omg!! U are 10 cm dilated" doctor said as he checked Scarlett .

"Push in our next contraction " doctor said

"Ahhhh! " She pushed u ...

"I can't do it...It's too hard" she said while panting .Her breath was uneven .

"U can do it please babe" colin said ...He became extremely nervous because noone was there with them .

"Please u can do it " doctor said...

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" Scarlett pushed hardest this time with all her strength . Her head fall .Her chest raised and fall vigorously .

They heard ur sharp cry which made them both smile...Scarlett smiled even though she was exhausted . She felt so worth of her all pains . They placed u on her chest with blood and the cord still connected .

"It's a girl" the doctor said...

"We have a girl " Colin said in excitement

"Would u like to cut the cord ?" The doctor asked colin

"Y-yeah" he sluttred . He cut the cord . The doctor cleaned u up and gave u to the Scarlett . They placed u on her chest. She admired u .

The doctors left and gave u all a family time.

"Babe. She is so beautiful . A living doll is she really ours? I can't believe " Colin said while a tear slipped his eye.

U now stopped crying and looked at them.

"Wow ...Beautiful green eyes . All ten fingers . Ten toes .Button nose like u babe....She looks so much like u. She is perfect !! I always wanted a girl and wanted Cosmo to be a big brother of a sister . " colin said while kissing ur head .

"Yeah . She looks a lot like me...I wanted a girl too...And she is so perfect ." Scarlett said and tears fell. Colin kissed Scarlett and wiped her tears off.

U started to fuss now and began to cry again . Scarlett understood that u were hungry .

"Baby , u are hungry ...aww..Don't cry" she said .She pulled u closer to her chest , positioned u and pulled her shirt down. It was difficult to make u latch on. So she rubbed her nipple around ur mouth .She then put her nipple on ur lips . U opened ur mouth and started to suck it . U sucked fast at first until the milk filled ur mouth . Then u became slow. After 10 mins , u latched off hinting to switch sides..

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