50) Run away ❤️🌎 (Nat ) part 1

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Requested by Jordan_Romanofff

Age : 11 years old

Tw : none
Y/n's pov :

"Peter my boy !! Lets go to the traning " i heard mom say . I was in our room. But I could hear everything people said from our room. My mom is Natasha Romanoff . YES!! THE BLACK WIDOW . !! Mom trained me from childhood. My dad is Bucky Barnes. (#winterwidow) I have found it from our biodata in uncle Bruce's lab. No one knows that I know Bucky Barnes is my father . I and dad are close...Oops !! Sorry I don't call him dad...I call him uncle Bucky...But I really want to call him dad...I don't know what made mom and dad separate ...And the interesting part is i have super soldier serum in my blood ...I am as strong and my dad ..And as cunning and efficient spy as my mom...I know every black widow techniques of fighting .. Recently I have been seeing that mom is being very busy with peter .(he is 19 now ) Yes !! Peter Parkar !! She was always close to me but now she is just drifting off . She just pushes me away or ignores me...I don't know why. I just want my previous mom back..She hardly does any training with me...When I ask her to spend time with me..She just says no or she is busy..But minutes later I find her playing with peter . Or helping him. Now I feel like mom didn't wanted me at all...I was a mistake and burden for her...So she wants to abandon me... I also didn't say much to Mom...I became close to uncle Bucky.., my dad and sunt wanda and uncle vision. They are really good. Oh! I am natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes only daughter . But still my name is y/n Romanoff .

I sat up on my bed ...Other days mom used to come to me and hug me but it was totally different now. I looked at the clock...It was already 8 a.m. now .

I went out of the room. As usual i went down and saw mom and peter training . I sighed and was walking off .

"Seems like u have forgotten all ur manners y/n " mom's voice struck me like a hard stone .

"Sorry..Good morning mom !!" I said

"Good morning ...!!" Mom said and then again got back to training with peter .

I signed and walked to the kitchen ...I saw dad ,aunt wanda and uncle steve talking .

"Hi darling .!!Come take a sit...What do want for breakfast ?" Aunt wanda asked

"Anything whatever u like ...U make it for me " i said with a smile ..I remembered the days when my mom fed me and made foods for me.

"Ok..." Aunt wanda said and was making something .

"So hun...!! Do u want to train with me today ?" dad asked

" Yes .ofc" i said ...

After eating the pancakes aunt wanda made for me..I and dad went out to train..I saw mom and peter returning ..

"What do want to eat today son !!" She asked

"Anything u make..." Peter said ...

Mom didn't even looked at me and went off . Tears slipped my eyes . Dad saw it and wiped it off .

"What happened ?" He asked

"Nothing...Uncle bucky " i said and smiled .

"Say hun...U can say anything to me u know that !!" He said

I broke down in tears now... I said home everything .

"Ok..I understand baby girl...So u want me to talk to her ?" He asked

" No no..Please uncle Bucky ...I don't want anyone to talk to her about it...If she is happy without me ...I am also happy seeing her being happy and moreover i have u ...U are one of the most important person of my life ..." I said Nd he kissed my head .

"Ok...As ur mood is off...So no training today...Let's go and watch a movie " dad said and it lit my face up.

We went to the living room ....And sat down on the couch..I saw mom and peter giggling . She was probably doing his homework ...She used to help me in my homework but now she just pays attention to peter .

" The movie is good right baby ?" Dad asked

"Yes dad...I love u so much " i said ...Most of the avengers was sitting and looked at me . I just realized what I said ...

Mom came to me and hold my hands .

"Wtf !! Y/n...How do u know ?" Mom asked and hold my hands tighter .

"Mom...It hurts and I have come to know it from our members biodata " i said . Mom slapped me...I was startled..She never slapped me...She never hit me before..Never ...But today she did...

"So u sneaked in the lab too...U are grounded for months and don't talk to me..Or come to me " mom said

Dad was going to say something ..But

"Shut up Bucky...!! She is my daughter " mom said

I pushed her hands off and said

"No i am not ur daughter...I am his daughter and I love my dad...Why won't i..? U are a very bad mother...I hate u..And there is not wrong to call my dad as 'dad' ..." I said and ran into my room sobbing .

"Y/n..Sweetie open the door hun!! My baby doll...Please " dad said but I didn't open it ...

I cried and cried .... The whole evening I cried and it was 10p.m.now...I had some dry food with me ..I packed my bags and ran away .... U left a note ...

"Bye dad ...Bye mom. I love u always " i said and jumped off the window .

I was walking for half an hour ..Just then a car stopped by me and pushed and injection on mu shoulder ..Before I could do anything . I blacked out .

Narrator's pov :

It was 10 p.m. everyone was in the living room ...

"What do u think nat ? For u my daughter is in this condition..And we need to break the door now " Bucky said

"Ur daughter ..Yes she is..But pouring sperms inside my vagina doesn't make u dad right...What did u do for her ?" Natasha asked

"I did ...Maybe I wasn't there when she was born ...because of the mission . But after that I did .." Bucky yelled

"Yes...Mission !! U were cheating on me..." Natasha yelled back

"No i didn't....U fucking woman i didn't ...I never did ...I loved u and our baby.." Bucky said

"And now for God's sake ...Open the goddamn door " Bucky said

Everyone opened the door and saw no one...

"Y/n where are u ?" Natasha said with concern in her voice .... They looked for u

"She ran away.." wanda said

"Yes...And here is the note " steve said and passed the note...

Now tears slipped Natasha's eyes .

"Read the note nat " Bucky raised his voice

"Yes ...Wait...

* The note *


Words : 1162

Thanks for reading

Hope u like this part Jordan_Romanofff

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