26) Boyfriend ?🌏❤️ (nat and wanda)

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Age : 2 years old

Tw : none


Narrator's pov :

"Mama....Mommy "

Wanda heard a little voice coming from the room. She was in the kitchen with her wife, Natasha Romanoff .And they have daughter together 2 years ago. Wanda carried their child as natasha wasn't able to . U ran down from the room upstairs . (The scene is set after the avengers endgame *natasha is not dead * and wanda and natasha live in their own house in California ). They were in the kitchen . Natasha was kissing wanda down her neck but then u came...

"Mommy " u said to natasha and she picked u up...

"Can't u sleep for one more hour bby?" She asked and wanda laughed .

"Why mommy...? U say to wake up early " u said with a pout.

" ok ok...." Natasha said and kissed ur head .

"Mama...Good morning " u said and wanda took u ...

"Good morning ... Baby " wanda said and booked ur nose . U giggled . It was already 8 a.m. and it was breakfast time . Wanda made some pancakes for all.

She sat down to feed u but u instead tugged her shirt.

"No baby u are grown up for momma's milk" wanda said and u tilted ur head .

"Aww...How can u say no to this cute face?" Natasha said ..

U looked at natasha and she smiled .
Wanda sighed and pulled her shirt and bra down . U latched on and drank the milk...

"If someone is going to spoil her . Its u " wanda said to natasha .

She made an innocent face .

"I didnt do anything " she said and smirked.

U latched off after 30 mins and wanda burped u . U went to natasha ...

"Mommy play with me..." U said while holding her pants

"Ok baby...Go and get the ball" natasha said and threw a ball.

U grabbed it with ur powers ...SMART KID!!.

"No ...Don't use ur powers !" Wanda said from back .

"Why mama...I can even use a gun...U both don't let me do it " u said .

"Not until u are properly trained and that's not before 18 years old " natasha said and picked u up.

"Otay momma..." U said . U played like normal child . Then after 3 hours of playing and exercises . It was 12 O' clock . And u were hungry after so much exercises . Natasha made some lunch and she fed u. Wanda was busy with some work .

"Mama....Mommy can we watch a movie?" U asked .

"Yeah ofc sure " wanda said . U snuggled into her chest and fell asleep .

"Babe she is so cute right? thanks to u for giving me the best gift of my life...Thanks a lot...I always wanted my own family, my own husband/ wife ...My children ..U fullfilled it " natasha said and kissed ur head .

"She is cute... Thanks to u for giving me such a beautiful daughter . She has ur genes too babe. I love u so much...Our small family " wanda said and looked at u who was too busy sleeping .

"I love u too" natasha said and Kissed wanda and she kissed natasha back.

They both slept after seeing the movie . U all took a great nap...

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