78) can't leave her ❤️🌎 (griet) requested

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Requested by EveAngela9

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Requested by EveAngela9


Age : 7 years .

Tw : none

A/N - HELLO EVERYONE . i know its 3 : 10 a.m. here ..I am tired . And i made some changes in the story because whatever happens a mom wont leave her child . Soo i changed it .. please dont mind .... And please vote the story .. i am gonna sleep . ❤️ .... Ly all❤️ have a good day / night .

Y/n's pov:

I woke up as my mum stroked my hair. This was the only time , i could be with my mother .  She worked as a maid in house Catharina  . She had to hide our identity because catharina didn't want any family members of any maid in her house . She was a evil kind of woman . And I am young . I don't know my father . I never asked my mum . But a young man here Johannes loves me a lot . And he knows i am mum's daughter . He is a good person .

" U have to wake up" mum said smiling .

" Mum ...It's early " i whined .

" Baby , u know I have to go for work ." Mum said . And I nestled more into her .

" Mum ,u know i only get to cuddle with u at night  and only for some time .. when will u say that i am ur daughter ?" I asked .

" Shhhhh. Dont say it loud . I know u get me for sometime . But u still get me ...Let me go now baby ..Please " mum said kissing my head .   I pulled off the hug .

" U are ashamed of me ?"  I asked . She put her hands on cheeks .

" No no no ... I am proud of u...  But I need to provide for us . So I need to  work for what they say .. mama loves u " mum said and walked off . I sat on the bed .

I also work at catharina's house . But as I am young she doesn't give me much work .  So after my works , i go around playing with my friends . But Catharina gives my mum loads of work .

I went for my work .

*Time skip*

After my work , i went to Johannes house .  He draws really well and teaches me to draw . I have known him from my childhood .

" Uncle  Johannes " i said as I walked in his room .

" Yes y/n .. come in "  Uncle Johannes said .

" What are u drawing ?" I asked .

" Oh um ...The drawing is named as the girl with pearl earring " he said . I walked in front of the drawing .

" But it's mumma !!" I gasped .

" Shhh. Slow down lil girl " he said .

" But why u drew her ?" I asked .

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