18) Halloween ❤️🌏 (scar)

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Age : 2 years

Tw : none


Y/n's pov :

It was morning and a very special day...Today..It was halloween . Yyayy !! I went on my mama's chest and ..

"Mama mama...wake up...mama wake ..." I said while placing my hands on her belly and thumping on it.

"Yeah ...Baby...U woke up? Its only 6:30 a.m. baby" she said and rubbed my back .

"Yeah .. momma today is hallwoeen ...Me excited " i said cause I really am excited .

"Yeah but it's an evening party...Not now...Come sleep" mama said and placed me beside her....

Dada was sleeping .He worked late yesterday so he needed rest .

"Mama me hungry" i said and she placed her hand on my belly and rubbed it...

"U hungry baby? How much ?" She asked and smile...

"This much" i opened my arms wide and said ...

"Aww that much hungry my bubba is ....Ok come near to my chest " she said nad i went near to her chest .

She pulled her shirt and bra down and when I saw the nipple ,i immediately latched on . I suckled hungrily . Mama rubbed her hands in my belly . After 40 mins. . my tummy was full so I latched off . Mama patted my back and I burped ...It was almost 7:10 a.m...So mama sat up on the bed ...I went on her lap and cuddled ...She rubbed circles on my back.

After 15 mins i saw dada arching his hands .He turned towards us and said with a big smile.

"What's my doll doing?" He said and stretched his arms.

I came down from mama's lap and went to dada . He placed me on his belly .

"Dada ...Me excited for halloween " i said .

"So what are u going to dress like?" Dada asked me...

"Black widow " i said immediately ...I always wanted to dress like momma .

"Omg...U would look great in wanda dress ...My lil scarlett " dada said nad kissed my head .

"Babe she would look stunning in lil black widow dress " dada said to momma .

"Ik babe...She looks a lot like me...but she has ur blue eyes ...The one I wanted " mama said nad kissed dada .

"Dada Kissy me..?" I asked showing my lips .

" Not on lips baby...Mama is my wife so I kiss her on her lips . " Dada said ...

"I want to be ur wife ....I want to be dada's wife . " I said with a pout ...

They both laughed out loud .

"U can't be.baby...I am already married to mommy and I can't marry more than one person" dada said and kissed my head ...

"Otay ...then...Me marry someone else..." I said with a pout ...

"Awww...Babe be careful ..She wants to marry at 2 year age ...Omg !!" Mama said and picked me up..

"U are gonna date not before 23 or 24 ...I am strict about it and not marry before 30..And u will stay with us until then " mma said strictly and she kissed my head .

"Otay." I said and kissed her lips ...

"Ok u can kiss me on my lips sometimes. " Mama said and planted a kiss...

"So babe I am gonna take a shower ...Take care of her " mama said and gave me to dada...

"Ok babe can I join?" Dada ask with a smirk ...

"Absolutely no..." Mama smiled and went in.

I placed my head on dada's chest and sucked my thumb .I wasn't that much hungry as I drank momma's milk earlier . Dada rubbed circles on my back and my eyes went heavier and I fell asleep .

I woke up and saw momma and dada talking to someone over the phone...

"Ok then see you bye...Love u " momma said and cut the call..

"So everyone is coming today ...We have to decorate it" dada said...

"Dada who is coming ?" I rubbed my eyes and wake up on the bed...

Mama took me and placed me on her lap and booped my nose .

"Lizzie aunt , robbie uncle, maeve sis , chris uncle , Florence aunt ,kathryn aunt and mae sis paul uncle are coming tonight . U excited ?"mama asked ..

"Yeah momma. ....Today will be fun...yayy" i got much excited

"So let's decorate the house " mama said nad we went down ....

Mama and dada and I decorated the house beautifully and mama brought many cookies, chocolate and candies ...

"Mama can I take on candy please ?" I said with puppy eyes. ..

"Ok just one ..." Mama said and gave me on in my hand ...

I sat down and enjoyed my candy .

~Time skip ~

"Hi ..." Lizzie aunt came and hugged me...

"Hi sissy ....U look like black widow " maeve said while I wore black widow dress ...

Everyone told i look beautiful ...

"Thank u ...So much ...now rose, y/n and mae go there and play" mama said

We went there played .....Mae was the oldest among us ..She is 11 years , maeve is 9 years and I am the youngest....

"Sissy...chocolate " i said to maeve while pointing the chocolates on the table .

"No sis..Not now...U will get it later "maeve said while holding my hands ...

But I wanted it now..I sneaked put of them when they weren't seeing ...And I went up on the table with the help of chair and ate all the candies and chocolates ....It was so tasty. After the dinner all left . Usually momma feeds me after everyone leaves so she did not look for me and I ate chocolates and candies as much as i could...There were other chocolates and candies outside ....I was now feeling so happy ...I ran all around the house and mama didn't see because she was outside talking to them...After soemtimes theg left and mama came in

"WHAT DID U DO Y/N?" Mama said with a angry face looking at the empty boxes and wrappers ...

"U ATE ALL OF IT...??U BAD GIRL" momma said and tired to catch me

But I ran away...I didnot saw dada coming from other side...He hold me tight and picked me up..

"No no..Dada ...Momma will hit me...Let me go " i yelled ...

Just then momma came and took me...

"I won't ever hit u my baby...But why did u do bad girl things today? " Momma asked .

"Me wanted to eat candies but everyone stops me...So I ate myself "i said with a pout...

"Ok..Now u wil have stomach ache tomorrow ...I can guarantee ..But now lets go and change urself and watch a movie ..." Mama said and kissed my head .

She took me to our room and change me into PJs . We went down and mama put on tangled....She placed me on her chest and rubbed circles on my back . I sucked my thumb...

"Are u hungry baby? U want momma's milk?" Momma asked ...

"No...Me full" i said as my tummy was full

"Ok but never do it again...U will have pain tomorrow and u will only suffer not me...And I feel bad baby ...Don't do it " mama said and kissed me head..

"Otay mama..." I said and put my thumb back...I felt asleep on mama's chest ...The safest place on the earth ...And I slept peacefully


Thanks for reading ....Everyone ...

Hope u like it ..

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