74) Auntie Yelena ❤️🌍 (nat) requested.

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Requested .


Age : 1 year old .

Tw : none .

A/n - please vote if u like the story ...It's full of fluff


Natasha's pov :

" Mammaaaaa" i saw y/n running down the stairs .

" Baby don't run " i said and she jumped from their on my arms . Thanks to god , that I could catch her in right moment .

" Why are u becoming so naughty ?" I asked making my voice a bit heavy to scare her .

" Sowry . But tofday auntie 'lena iws coming . So me excitwed" y/n said with the biggest smile on her face .

" It's Yelena " i said correcting her .

" 'lena ?" She said tilting her head . Aw her head tilts are just so cute .

" it's Yelena ... Anyways .. what do u wanna eat ?" I asked .

" Milky " she said tugging my shirt .

" U are a big girl . " I said .

" No . Pleawse mama " she said giving a pout and puppy face. I kiss on her pout . I pull up the hem of my shirt and she latched on my nipple sucking for my milk .

I made my breakfast while feeding her . Yelena is going to meet y/n for the first time . She was in a deadly mission for more than a year . She went to the mission when I was 9 months pregnant with y/n . And now she is finally coming back .

I made my breakfast and ate it . Y/n was still drinking my milk . She is so chilled. I chuckled. After i finished my breakfast she latched off .

" Is it full now ?" I said rubbing her tummy. She nods with a big smile . I pulled my hem of shirt again down .

KNOCK KNOCK... I opened the door .

" Aunne 'lena " y/n sequakled and ran to Yelena as I opened the door .

"Hi my baby niece " Yelena said and picked up y/n . She kissed her head while y/n hug her auntie .

"How are u sister ?" I asked hugging Yelena .

" I am fine . Finally I have break time for long months . Guess some years I won't go for mission . I want to spend time with my niece watching her grow up " Yelena said smiling at y/n .

" Yayy aunne 'lena will be with mw" y/n said hugging Yelena's neck .

"Come in sister " i said and Yelena came in .

She opened her jacket and shirt . I saw a huge bruise on her left arm . I knew it was from mission .

" Aunne What's thwt?" Y/n asked pointing to her bruise .

" Oh that's a cut baby . I was on mission so I had the cut . It's ok now dw " Yelena said assuring y/n .

" Otay. Mama u hwvd cuwts?" Y/n asked looking at me .

"Yes baby ..More than me...Ur mama is so brave but she left all her mission and dangerous job for u when she found out u were in her tummy .. ur mama is brave and u are brave like ur mama right baby ?" Yelena asked smiling .

" Yws mw like both of u " y/n said . My baby is just so sweet .

" Ok baby .. u wanna play ?" Yelena asked .

"Yws" she said and dragged Yelena to her playroom . I leaned on door seeing them play .

After playing , we had our lunch .

" Aunne ' lena feed me " y/n said ....

" She can't baby ..Only mama can ..U want milky ? So come to me " i said and she came to me . I nursed her . Immediately after. Her lunch she again jumped in Yelena's arms .

" Aunne icwe crewm? Mama wont giwve me " she said making puppy faces to Yelena . I laughed . Y/n looked at me with a angry baby face .

" Ok fine let's go "Yelena said and winked at me . After they had ice cream .

" Mama .. mowvie. ?" She asked .

" Ok ...Let's go .. " i stretched my arms .

"Aunne ' lena " she said clinging on Yelena .

" Ok fine .. u will be with auntie Yelena " i said was so happy to see Yelena being happy with y/n . Yelena never had a happy life . I was still happier when I was with avengers . They were my family till now they are but everyone has their kids so we don't live in avengers compound . But Yelena has different child hood and very aggressive one . Now my sister is happy again . Tears fell down to see both of them happy .

Whole time we spend together laughing , playing and y/n cuddling with Yelena . I didn't mind . It's so cute . I even took lot of their pictures .

*Time skip *

It was dinner time .

" Come for dinner guys " i yelled . Yelena came down with y/n . I tried to take y/n from Yelena

" No aunne fewed me " y/n said . Tears brimming her eyes . I knew she would tell Yelena to feed so I have pumped my milk in bottle .

" U can feed her " i said passing the bottle . Yelena nod . She was nervous as sweat formed on her forehead .

She positioned y/n and put the nipple in y/n's mouth and she sucked.. y/n gave a small sweet smile at me . She has recognised the milk is mine . I watched them . Yelena was in pure love with y/n . She looked at y/n with full of adoration and love while she drank the milk . After drinking yelena burped her . Then we had our dinner .

Yelena was sitting with y/n cradling.her back and forth . Y/n sucked her thumb so I gave Yelena her pacifier and she put it in y/n's mouth ..

" I am going upstairs " Yelena said and I nod because I was doing the dishes .

After doing the dishes i went upstairs and saw y/n and Yelena both asleep while y/n put her head on Yelena's chest and snuggled into her .

" Aww they look so cute .. " i said and sat beside them . I turned the lights off . So there was only moonlight which lit our bedroom brightly. I saw the two innocent faces .

I was tired . I went to them and kissed both of their head . I love Yelena as much as I love y/n .. i laid down wrapping my arms around them .. i would not let anything happen to my sweet , little family .


Words : 1017

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