79) Needs comfort ! ❤️🌎 (scar and Lizzie ) requested

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Requested .


Age : 16

Tw :  metion of r@pe .Adult stuffs ⚠️

A/n -  hey guys , u can read the story i didn't put any violence rape scene ...I know it's very bad and most ugliest thing on planet ...But I had to keep someone's request and do the story .. anyways . This type of things should be stopped immediately and we need to fight against this monsters of this society . But  .. it's 1 : 25 a.m. here .. i am tired after whole day school and stuffs .. so I am gonna sleep .. please vote the story ....Thanks for supporting and love u all ❤️


Y/n's pov :

I took a sip from my juice. I am in a high school party with my friends . But i really dont drink . My mothers , Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen and they both are strict . And I listen to them .

" Hey , david is looking at u " my bestie , Alianor said .

" Let him look " i said . Actually Derek , has big crush on me . He is the most handsome guy in our whole school . But I don't like him .

 But I don't like him

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(David )

" He is coming towards us !" Aliianor said and smiled .

" Fuck it " i said and took a sip of my juice  . He sat beside me .

" Hey ?" He said with a smile .

" Mhm" i said .

" U are beautiful " he said . I rolled my eyes

"Thanks " i said  trying to grab another juice but he took it for me .. and then gave me .

I gave him a look and took it . He smirked . I drank the juice . I felt like using washroom . So I went . After I was done , i came out to wash my. Hands but just then I felt a pair of hands dragging me inside  another bathroom . I saw it was David . I tried to get out of his grip . He tightened it ..  i put his hand over my mouth so that i cant scream.  He started to tear my dress .

"Now i am gonna fuck u " he said evily .
I cried on and on as noone could hear me . He r@ped me for hours . After he was done having fun with me . While i laid down with pain and blood. He left dressing himself   . I sat up while grabbing my clothes.  I dressed myself roughly .  And went to my home ..

It's almost 12 a.m. i slowly opened the door.  .Still tears dropping my eyes . My legs sore .. I wanted to go to my room but mommy (Scarlett) lit the light up 

"Why are u so late ?" She asked .

" I am sorry " i said breaking down. I could not hold it .

" Hey baby .. Shh is everything ok?"mommy asked . I am scared about mama (Lizzie)...I hugged mommy ..

She took me to sit on the couch . Mommy still hugging her.   She noticed blood in my dress.

" What happened ..Why there is blood?" She asked .

" He r- r@ped me " i said and she gasped .

" WHAT WHO?" mommy asked ..

". David " i mumbled and cried .

" How did he ?" Mummy asked getting mad  but it was on him .

I said her everything .

She pulled me on her lap...And stroked my back ..

" Did he um ejaculated inside y?" Mum asked and I nod .

" Baby u have to take a pill . U may get pregnant so .. " mommy said .

" I dont wanna be pregnant now ..." I cried .. i heard foot steps and i looked up to see mama .

I got scared and put my face in mommy chest .

" Is everything ok?" Mama asked getting concerned. 

" Um its like .." mommy said everything ..

"WHAT THE HELL ...I WILL KILL THAT BOY IMMEDIATELY " mama said and was gonna go out .

" No lizzie stop. We can do that later but first we need to be with her .. umm can u get those pills " mommy said and mama went inside . And came back with some pills .

" Now eat it baby " mommy said and I took them  .

Mama  took me on her lap .

" Baby .. we will punish him...But u need to be with us from now on . Every moment of ur life ..." Mama said and i nod . 

" Baby u know that u are still the purest soul on this earth and most beautiful person ..." Mommy said .

" Really ? " I asked .

"Yes baby ofc u are ..The purest girl " mama said and planted a kiss .

"Maybe we should clean u up" mommy said . I don't mind because they are my mum and I don't wanna touch my body parts for now .

I nod and they took me upstairs . They cleaned me up as made me dress .

" U need to eat some food.  Maybe some milk and cookies " mama said . I nod . I was shocked so I didn't wanna use  words .

Mama went downstairs and after sometime she came back with some milk cookies and hot water bag ..

She put the bag on my belly . I felt so relieved . Mommy fed me . After eating i laid down on bed with them on either side of me . Tears dropped my eyes again which mama wiped .

" No baby ...U are strong and we will give justice to u " mama said and I nestled into her for comfort ... Her warmth made me smile . While mommy spoon me from back kissing back of my head. .

After sometime i slept .

Lizzie's pov :

I never thought someone would do that to our girl ...

" I will kill david . We need lawyer " i said stroking y/n's hair  .

" Yes I know ..I will kill him too ... We need to fight for our daughter " Scarlett said .

" And we will " Lizzie   said .. i nod . We were both determined  .. I WISH I COULD KILL DAVID RN .

I looked at our purest daughter who was fast asleep in my arms .

" She is still our baby and purest soul" Scarlett said .

" Ofc she is " i said .. i made her more comfortable in my arms . As she snored softly .

" Good night our baby . We love u " Scarlett said .

" And u are our purest girl "i said . We both kissed her head . Before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms .


Words : 1004

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Hope u like it .

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