3) meeting the family and the truth (pt 2)❤️🌏❤️.(nat)

4.9K 81 9

Age: 11

Tw: none..


Y/n's pov

I saw my mom's childhood room...Then we came back to the dining hall..

We sat down...

"Nat ...I need to talk to u.."Grandma said to mom..

They went to room beside the dining room...

I ..Aunt yelena and Grandpa sat and played some cards...

Aunt yelena was very good person...I already loved her...And Grandpa was too funny..

"I wanna go to the washroom"

They allowed me...

I heard muffled words coming form other room where Grandma and mom were talking

Grandma said " u have to tell her"

"I can't mom...She is my daughter ... Although I didn't give birth to her...I -"

She was cut off by me...


I said and ran away...

NAT'S pov :


I heard y/n 's voice ...

"Shit she heard everything ...Mom we need to run after her...YELENA AND DAD CATCH Y/N"..

We ran after her ....I caught her by her hand...She turned around...And started to hit my chest hard....I was getting hurt but I didnot mind..I hold her tight...And she broke down into my arms.....I still held her tight onto me..

She came home and went to another room and slept there...


Y/n's pov:

I saw everyone sitting at the living room ...They looked up at me..

I came down and sat beside aunt yelena...

I saw mom and everyone's guilt face...

"So am I adopted?"

"Yes ..I wanted to tell u y/n but did not got the right time or courage to tell u..."

Tears rolled down...

Grandma sat beside mom and consolled her.....I felt really bad when mom cried...It breaks my heart...

But I want to know everything...
Before I could say anything..
Grandma said

"y/n ...Yes u are adopted...And I will tell u why...We black widow's don't have uterus or any ovary so we can't get pregnant...And probably u are wandering how I have two daughters...They were adopted too...."

"And do u need to know about ur past when u have this caring lovable mom....U changed her totally from a dangerous assassin to a beautiful person and mother .." Aunt yelena said...

"No she has the right to know......U see...

10 years ago ....... Maria hill ..Our shield agent...Was pregnant with u and her boyfriend left her and she was my best friend....After two days of giving birth to u... Fury gave her a mission and she never returned...I was devastated...When I got the call u were in my hand ...I looked at u and thought of u growing up without ur mother killed me inside .......I adopted u...I always wanted to be a mother...But I can't have my own child so I raised u like my own...I nursed u...I played with u ....I cuddled with u....I was present in every victory....I made u say ur first word...I homeschooled u...I devoted my life for y..Just i didnot give birth to u.....
Y/n my bubba...I love u a lot more than u can ever imagine...And will always do.."

She started to sob now....

I was filled in tears .....
I looked at everyone hinting them to leave the room....

They left and gave me and my mom space...

She was still crying...And was sitting on the couch..

I walked up...Sat on her lap and cuddled into her chest....Like I did when I was small....

She held me tight and kissed my head...

"Momma ...U are the best mom one could have ever ask for....Ik u did so much for me... Thank u so much...U give birth to me or not.... Nothing will change my love for u....I just wanted to know.....And sorry if my earlier behaviour hurt u...." I said while rubbing my hand on her chest where I hit her earlier....

"No bubba ... It's ok....I am not hurt.... Promise me whatever happens u will never leave me...Uk... when u were born...U were this much....And so cute....I couldn't resist myself form being ur mom...I love u"

"I promise u mama ...I will never leave u.....U are my everything....And I love u too. "

I sat there for long time...Feeling her warmth and smelling her scent....

Just then Grandpa came and said

"Yayyyyy!! So all sorted... Let's have family time now "

We all laughed at he was acting like...

I love my family and my mom ...No matter what...


Suggestions or requests if any?

Thanks for reading......

Mama nat:)

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