92) Loosing her ! part 1❤️🌎 (Scarlett)

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Age : 14

Tw : loosing ur mother figure. Panicks.⚠️

Scarlett's pov:

I am really scared about how to tell y/n the truth. Actually y/n is my co-star. She is just 14 , so she bonds with me well . Like my own daughter . I call hee baby everytime. While COVID, i had a child and i cannot come back to the film again .

Y/n and others worked some months during COVID. Well she doesn't have parents and lives with her grandma . Ig that's why she is more attached to me .i am scared how will she react to me having a child and leaving this set.
She will be upset a lot ig. Maybe she can stay with me too but i can't give attention to both my newborn and her and rose . Rose will get mad too .
I am feeling so nervous.

I looked up as y/n screams in enjoyment.

"Mamaaa" she runs to me and hugs me . I hug her back tightly . How can I just say it .

"I missed u so much mama so much . Where did u go for so long?" She asked

"I umm uh . Y/n i need to tell u something " she pulls out from a hug as i finish my sentence.

"U never call me y/n . Why suddenly? Did i do something? I am sorry mama" she said panicking.

I cup her face and make her cool down .

"No no no no y/n . U didn't . I just need to tell u something!" I said . Her eyes were already filled with tears .

"Listen y/n , i umm during this COVID i didn't come to shoot because i had a baby and umm i wont continue with this film . U can come over to my house anytime to visit us okay? Honey . I love u alway-"

"U don't love me scarlett . Do u? If u did u won't ever do this !" Y/n said.

" I am sorry y/n darling. But i had no choice."i said wiping my tears away.

"U did have choice. U said u would always choose me " y/n said with hurtful teary eyes .

" They are my family y/n. And they are my children and -"

" So i am not ur child?" She asks

"Y/n u are honey b-"

"Yes i know i am not ur biological child and i wont ever have the same FUCKING IMPORTANCE like rose and ur new child have . Of course not . I am the dumb one to not fucking realise this . Thank u for everything scarlett. " Y/n said crying and running to her trailer.

"Y/n . Honey " before i could stop her she ran and locked her door .

"Baby , i am sorry -"

"Don't baby me scarlett. Go away please" y/n said . I could tell her she was sobbing and she crying heavily.

I sighed and tears fell down my cheek too .

Y/n's pov:

I never thought i would loose her too. She was the best thing that happened to me . I really loved her as my mother. But she didn't love me as her own .

I had a hard childhood . I had anxiety, depression, panicks , and everything worse a kid can have. Yes kid , i was just 8 when i started to self harm . I had my periods then . Well my parents didn't like me much . But they died soon after. Depression took over me. I started to do self harm . I was pushed to mature. Plus what my peers did i had restrictions so i obviously did somethings without my family knowing. Sometimes they knew . It was impossible to live like this . I had mother figures but they abused me badly. The first one broke my arm, the second one hit me , third one mentally abused .me . I still gave myself chances hoping it would get better. But nothing did . I got my acting job and found scarlett later but i got very much close to her. she uses to treat me as her daughter and care for me.

She hugged me , cuddled me . When i cried she used to keep me calm holding me in her arms , kissing my forehead. She said i am her forever. She used to help me with my panicks. Even in my school she went to the parent teacher meetings. She used to cheer up when i won prizes and was always proud of me . She was my mother for a long time and now she left . I don't think she will have time for me after having her newborn and rose is there too. They are her priorities because they are her biological children.

I sigh and cry . I don't know if scarlett can hear me . But the pain in my heart in unbearable. I lost my mother figure, well precisely my mom .

"Y/n honey i love u" scarlett said from outside. I can know by her voice that she is crying. I wanna go and hug her but i don't feel like it . I just want to be alone for now .

"Scarlett please go!" I said sobbing. Everyone was calling by my name .
I didn't reply. I wanted to be left alone . After sometime everyone left as i couldn't hear anyone calling.

*Time skip*

~ 6 months later ~

I didn't talk to Scarlett at all in these months nor to anyone in set other than for work . I totally drew curtains between others . But today we are invited in Scarlett's house to see her son. I have to go . She invited the whole cast.

Its almost time for us to leave. So i wore something formal

 So i wore something formal

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(Y/n's outfit)

We soon leave and reach her house . She greets us all .

"Hey h-"

"Y/n" i said . She looks sad but smiles .

"Yes y/n . Come " she said . We get in . Her son is cute and rose looks cute in her small purple dress . Its fluffy. She runs to Elizabeth.

"Aunfie" and Elizabeth picks up her kissing her cheek . Scarlett and Colin named their son cosmo .

He looks cute , well both children looks like scarlett . She is happy. She looks at me but i break the eye contact and sit down somewhere on a chair and scroll through my phone.

Scarlett comes and sit beside me .

"Y/n sweetie. Please can we talk?" She asked me holding my hand . I pull my hand away .

"Yes of course we can talk. Well i bought something for Cosmo!" I said bringing out his gift and passing it to Scarlett. She keeps it aside .

"Thank you y/n . See , honey. I love u a lot . Please don't ignore me . I can still be ur mo-"

"I don't need a mom scarlett. I am okay with myself and please i request u scarlett not to call me by nicknames or touch me !" I said

"Why u used to love it when i called u by nicknames and stuffs !" She said touching my face . But i removed her hand . I loved it but i didn't want it .

"I said no . It was all past and they are now memories. Thank u for those memories " i said and stood up. She holds my hands and stops .

"Baby lis-"


I yell and everyone looks at me. SHIT!


thanks for reading. Hope u all liked it .

Words :1241

Sorry for not updating my life is not okay rn . And so isn't my mental health.

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