10) playing with knifes❤️🌏 (Nat )

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Age : 1 year .

Tw: knife , blood


Narrator's pov :

* Nat had u just a year and two days before .  Nat didnt even think she could get pregnant ...But someone had too strong and special sperm to get her pregnant ...Anyways noone never knew who was ur father and noone was ever bothered .. u also didn't care because u have such a loving and great mom...Ur wanda aunt and ur tony uncle and others . Ur have ur nana( grandma) , papa(alexei), and aunt lena.  Ur mama is ur everything . She loves u with all her heart . U are clingy but nat likes it .*

"Good morning baby" nat said and kissed ur head .

"Good mowning mama" u said and nestled into her .

**Wow mama smells so nice*** u thought .

"Baby...Are u hungry?" She asked and put her hand inside ur shirt and rubbed ur belly .

"Ywah mowma" u said ...

She picked u up and positioned u. She pulled her shirt and bra down and u latched on. U still drank ur momma's milk..U have solid food too...But u loved to drink momma's milk in the morning and in the night . To be honest ,nat also loved it . She loved to feed  u.

After 30 mins u latched off and she burped u...Then she placed u on her chest .

"Me love momaa" u said ...

"Aww i love u too my baby girl" she said and kisSed her head .

Now it was 9 a.m. she took u downstairs and u ran to wanda .

"Wunda aunt ...gwod morning" u and jumped onto her lap.

"Aww..Baby girl good morning .." wanda said and kissed ur head.

"Now we have to go for training and y/n will be with tony and Bruce . Morgan will play with her...No worries" Clint said

Nat , wanda , Clint , steve , Bucky , sam, Yelena, and carol trained together .

(Morgan is there and she is 7 here ...She remains with her dad as her mom pepper went to uk for some work) .

"So let's go to the training room" Yelena said and gave u to tony..

"Mwma...Awunt lena ..No go" u said and started to sniffle .

"Baby we have to go..We are there in the training room. Don't worry" nat said and kissed ur head and walked off .

They all followed nat ...

Tony and Bruce came to the lab with u .

"Now go play with morgan . " He said and placed u down .

U walked to morgan and sat there .

"Sissy u want this?" Morgan said and given u a ring toy.

U immediately put it into the mouth and started to chew it .

"No sissy. Don't chew it...No"morgan said and tried to take it from u.but u were stubborn . Tony heard morgan shout so he came and took it.

"No y/n . Don't chew it . U are a good girl right" he said and took it from u.

"Mowma. Me mowma" u said .

"Sissy nat aunt and others are training in the training room" Morgan said.

After 5 mins ...Morgan was called by tony

"Sissy u stay here I am coming" she said and left.

U were too desperate to go to ur mom now. U stood up and then waddled out of the room. Tony ,Bruce and others were busy so they did not see u leave .

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