43) Neglected ❤️🌏 (rosie ) requested

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Requested by EveAngela9


Age : 4 years

Jojo's age : 9 years

Rosie's age : 37 years

Tw: hanged to death


Narrator's pov :

U were the youngest member of the family . But u were very much neglected by ur mom .You didn't know about ur dad . Ur mom said he has went on army official .Your brother also never saw ur dad. Your mom never paid attention to u .U felt she never loved u . She was always busy with ur elder brother . U always saw her feeding him , snuggling with him and having moments with him.U thought u were a mistake who came mistakenly into ur mother's womb who they didn't even want . And u were right. Actually her financial condition was not well to have two children . But rosie became mistakenly pregnant with u and she could not abort u. Actually their financial condition made them hate u .Ur life was a hell...U always saw ur mom treating u differently . Ur dad was most of time not home...He was a army official so he had to stay out most of the time. When he came he would bring something for jojo , ur elder brother but not u...U only had a stuffed rabbit ...And u made ur own toys out of waste . They didn't brought u clothes ..U had only some clothes . U woke up in your room. U were just 4 year old but still had to sleep in your room . U never felt what is mother's warmth ...How it feels . In childhood also , like newborn to one and half years old . Rosie would breastfeed u ...That's what u felt contact with her . And after that she stopped breastfeeding. She never taught u how to eat ...U have learned it by seeing them . She would just be with u while breastfeeding and then left u in one room . Ur condition was pathetic .

U woke up in ur room and went down. U saw ur mom and brother cuddling and sitting on the touch. U went and sat beside ur mom .

"Just go away..Dont u have anything to do !!" Rosie said which made ur tears fall.
U stil sat there so the went away .

"Why do mom hate me so much..? I just want her to love me " u said mumbling . But no nothing will make her love u .

U sighed and had ur breakfast . U saw ur mom feeding ur brother .

" Mom i am leaving for a walk...Can u tie my shoes? " jojo said and rosie kissed his head . He sat down and rosie tied his shoes . U were standing and seeing rosie tying Jojo's shoes .

"It's done . " She said and kissed Jojo's head .

"Bye mom " jojo said and left .

Rosie sat on the couch . U waddled to her.

"Mama..Play with me " u said . She looked at u. She never wants to hate u but her financial condition made u her burden .

"I am sorry. Go play urself " rosie said and pushed u . U hold her hands .

"Please mama " u said ....She didn't want to yell on u or hate u either but she did.

"Y/N PLEASE GO !" rosie yelled and u left her hands .Tears rolled down ur cheeks . Rosie looked at u and felt a bit sad for u. Before she could say anything u ran out of the house . Rosie also went behind u ..But u ran very fast .

Rosie came back...She knew u would come back after sometime. Jojo came back by now ...

"Mom...I am home !!Can we go for a cycling ?" He asked

"Sure hun." Rosie said and kissed her son's head .Jojo hugged his mother for long . They both went out and cycled ..

Meanwhile u were sitting on a slab near the city ....U were crying ......Suddenly u felt a pair of hands . They pushed u .

U saw the army . It was Hitler's army men. They hold u and said

"Now u would be hanged to death...ask for u one last wish " he said

"Ok...Then.i will wrote something on paper ..Stick it with my dead body " u said .U were really ready to die which made the men shock . U just wanted to tell something to ur mom at last . U didn't want to bother ur mom anymore .

"Ok good ...Write whatever u want to " he said and u wrote a long note with pen.
They tied ur hand and legs...They tied a rope around ur neck...And they pulled it while taking it with tree which made u leave ur last breathe . They stick the note to ur dead body and left the place .

Meanwhile jojo and rosie were cycling . After 15 mins they came across a big field .

"Mom let's go that side " jojo said pointing to the forest part uphill .

"Yes bub.." rosie said and parked their cycles . They went into it...It was quite adn sweet forest . They are talking and walking but suddenly they saw something which made her gasp and cry out loud . They saw ur hanging body . Rosie cried out loud this time . She ran to u and put ur body down. She hold ur body in her hands and sobbed. She saw a note sticked to ur body .


Mama...!!, I love u...I know I will die in few moment ...But that's ok mama...It will decrease ur burden . I know...I am a burden for u . And I also know I am mistake . U never paid attention to u ..Never ...U neglected me . U hated me...But why momma ...If I came into ur Tummy that wasn't my fault . Was it ? U were the only person in my life but u never loved me . I always wanted to hug u , cuddle with u...Feel ur warmth but u never let me go near u. Why mama...? I wanted u to call me by my sweet nicknames like u call jojo. I wanted u to tell me bedtime stories and lullabys and give me kisses . I wanted to sleep with u . But u never wanted me. I wanted to to feed me like u feed jojo . I wanted u to play with me.., jump with me , teach me everything ...But no...U never wanted to love me..U never tried ...But I love u mama...I love jojo too. U are a very good mom..I used to see what moments u had with him and imagined it with myself and felt happy . I wish u haven't neglected me... I wish u always loved me..Like u love him. I know mama...U are crying now...But don't...There is no point of crying ....I have gone by now....Don't cry mama....It's ok...Be happy that I have gone away from. Ur life . But mama...I love u...I will always do...U are always my mama...

Reading this rosie broke down. Jojo also read it ...He broke down too. Rosie held ur dead body in her hands ..

"I am sorry baby...I should have never done it ...I have loved u baby ..Always ...And I will do..I am sorry...I am the worst mom...I could not love my child and neglected her ...Whereas i should have protected u..And love u the most . U were just 4 years old..And u don't deserve this...U are right ..There is no fault of urs that u are born from my womb...U are my pride i am sorry .I can never forgive myself for this to my own baby..whom i carried for 9 months inside me...U are as much worth as jojo is to me...U are always my baby girl...And mama loves u ... " rosie Said and cried

"What's the point of crying mom?..She is dead and gone...!!"jojo said and hugged ur dead body .

Rosie kissed ur head .She looked at ur innocent face who was just similar to her . She hold ur body and cried again...
She told sorry repeatedly ...She was so heartbroken ...She never wanted to have u this fate ...... She looked at u and said

"Mama...Loves u baby...Always and forever " and cried again holding ur small dead Body..a silence wind cried and blew all over .

Words : 1342

A/N : i was crying while writing this...I never cried before but this story i form know why..Made a huge impact on me...

Thanks for reading

Hope u Iike it EveAngela9

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