73) Feeling loved ❤️🌍 (Scarlett ) requested

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Requested by avengerscaststories


Age : 12

Tw : bullying , cut , blood and eating disorder .

Y/n's pov :

As I opened my dress to shower . My bruises reminded me about what I go through everyday. My stomach , collar bone , hands , legs everywhere were black and purple bruises. These were done by my bullies. They have been doing this for 3 years now ...

Whenever I protested , they hit me . They even hit me with small pocket knives .
I traced my bruises with my index finger .
OUCH ! my new bruish which was still raw hurts.

I took a shower ...It hurts whenever the water touched my bruises .

I looked at the clock ...As the time passed my heartbeat increased ...I have to again get hit by bullies. Or maybe they won't now ...I have given up and believe what they say .

They always say that my mom ,does love me . I am a mistake who is born out of rape and she just hates me .

I didnt believe all these a few months ago but now i do . Its because my mom ,The Scarlett Johansson . YES SHE IS MY MOM but she doesnt give me time anymore .. presently she is out of home for weeks ... And i feel alone . And more over my dad , colin and mom got divorced when i was really young .. i dont visit dad he has his own family . I really feel so alone .

OH SHIT !! its my school time ...I grabbed some cookies and my driver drove me to school ..

On the way i got a call . It was from mom.

S = scarlett ,y = y/n

S = hey y/n .

Y= yes mum .

S = i will go to jimmy fallon show today .. so i will return late ... I know i said i would return by 5 p.m. but i cant sorry ..

I sigh...As expected .

Y= no its fine mom...I know u have lots of work ...Its fine ... Bye mum

S= bye y/n. Take care .

I cut the call . A tear dropped on my phone screen ...I wiped it ... My bullies are right . She hates me .

I arrived in school on time . I went to my class ...

" Today u all will have to stay after school ..Scarlett Johansson will have a interview with jimmy ..Which we will go to see . Everyone must be there " our teacher announced.

Everyone looked at me ...it is so awkward .. i saw my bullies smirk . Ugh ..Not again ..

After the class .

" Hey idiot " Beck said .

" Ye- yes " i mumbled .

" So ur mom is going to that show tonight . I hope she says how much she hates u and says the truth about ur birth " Beck said . His loyal companions nodded .

" Yes whatever " i said rolling my eyes .

" Hey u dumb . Don't show us ur attitude " daniel and flora said .

" Wait let me show u what happens if u show us ur attitude . " Beck said .

" Pass me the knife " he said to flora and she did . He pulled out the sharp knife and drew it over my wrist .. a line of blood occurred .

" No it hurts " i cried . Daniel hold my mouth and flora my hand . They were more powerful to me because I didn't eat properly .. and mom wasn't here to take care of me .

scarlett Johansson ⴵ /her characters × Child imagines Where stories live. Discover now