75) Meeting grandparents ! ❤️🌍 (nat) part 1 requested .

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Age : 10 months old

Tw : none .

A/n - GUYS, Its 1 : 30 .A.m. here and I am writing stories because I love them as much as I love myself . Anyways there will be a part 2 about this .. and it will be cute.. i gurantee ....For now .. i am gonna sleep ...please vote .Thank u all❤️

Natasha's pov :

I doing some last minutes packing . I took some of my baby's shirt, diaper and pants . We were going to Ohio for some months because my mother , Melina and father , Alexei wanted to see their granddaughter .

I saw Yelena waking up . Y/n is still sleeping .

" Good morning сестра ( sister )" i said as I saw yelena rub her eyes . Yelena is still a baby in front of me and she is more with y/n . At first I thought the red room has completed changed my sister . But I was wrong . She still had that heart which was hiding . As we sisters got closer she showed her warmth ,her love and purity of nature . Sometimes she acts like my baby . And I love it . We three are perfect .

" Good morning младшая сестра ( baby sister) " i said kissing her head .

" I am not a baby " she said frowning her eyes .

" But u are and u don't know ...Btw u were more close to me than mum .....
Remember ? ..." I said folding another cloth of y/n .

" Yes I do ... Haha .. " yelena chuckled .

" So did u take enough clothes ?" I asked Yelena .

" Oh shit ..!! I forgot to pack my bag ..shit shit " Yelena said and jumped off the bed .

"See i knew . So I packed ur bags ... That's why I told u are a baby and I have two babies " i laughed ..

Yelena hugged me .

" Thanks sister . I never felt so much love and care . I love u " she said getting emotional .

" I love u too baby sis... " I said and planted another kiss on her head . Maybe she is a deadly assassin ... But she is turning into a beautiful , soft person now . And I am also . We have left that dangerous works and I work in office and Yelena too .

" Mama " i heard my baby's voice and we broke our hug ..

" Hey baby " Yelena said and picked up y/n in her arms .

"Mama " y/n whined stretching her arms to me .

I took her kissing her head .

" Good morning baby " i said .

" Mowning mama" she whined putting her head in my crook of neck .

I rubbed her back .

" Sis we have leave for Ohio now . Because it will take time " Yelena said . It's almost 8 a.m.

" Yes ..Let me change y/n " i said as Yelena started to load our bags in car .

I changed y/n and made her fresh ..

" Who will drive ?" Yelena asked .

" U ..Because y/n might ask for milk and I have to breastfeed her " i said

Yelena drove the car and as expected y/n tugged my shirt .

" I knew" i smiled and yelena laughed. I pulled up the hem of my shirt and y/n latched on my breast .

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