27) Became a mom !!! ❤️🌏 ( nat)

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Age : few hours old , 3 days old , 7 days old ....

Tw : none .


Natasha 's pov :

I woke up early morning and saw the clock it was 5 a.m. i have to go to the training . While going i saw pepper sleeping with morgan on her chest ( morgan age : 5 year ) and wanda sleeping with tommy and billy ( both age : 11 years) . I sighed . It was another day of my life without a baby. I always wanted to become a mom. But I can't . In red room i was being sterilized . I can't reproduce . And I was scared to adopt also because of my hectic life . But wanda and pepper are also avengers . They have their children . I left the room and went in the kitchen. I saw steve and tony . They looked really worried. They are getting dressed .

"What happened fellas ?" I asked .

"Natasha . We have got a news early morning that the central hospital . The Hydra is going to attack so we have to reach there .Suit up guys " tony said and pressed the alarm which made everyone woke up.

They all came to the common room and tony said.

"I , , Bucky, sam ,rhodey ,wanda , vision,thor , hulk, carol and Yelena will attack from the back side meanwhile nat, steve , client , Valkyrie , nebula and peter get the patients out and Starlord , hamida and the guardians be ready as a back up team and be in the front . Pepper u stay here and take care of tommy , Billy and morgan " tony said while we suit up .

I know it was going to be a hectic mission .

"So ready nat?" Yelena asked me

"Born ready "i said and we smirked .

We all went to the spot .It was calm and quiet but not for too long . As far the plan. We went in and started to get the patients out. Tony already informed the doctors and the staffs before . So they already have moved the pregnant woman and the new born babies and mothers . But I still heard a cry . I ,steve , and client entered the room where we heard a baby cry. I saw a nurse sitting with a baby...It was wrapped in a pink blanket so I hope it was a girl . It continued to cry and nurse could not make it stop. She looked at us and fear covered her face .

"Don't worry we are avengers " steve said while assuring her .

"Why is the baby still here?" Client asked while the baby cried .

"Actually , she is born a couple of hours ago and her mom abandoned her and said to kill her . We fed her some baby formula but I can't kill her ...So I was thinking of leaving her here and just then u guys came in " she said with an angry and sorrow face .

"WHAT U ARE GOING TO LEAVE THE BABY HERE?" I asked in pure shock .

"Yeah...What would I do with it...I can't take her and moreover do u want her ? No then?" She asked .

"DONT DO IT...I WILL TAKE HER " i said out of no where . Steve and client looked at me shocked as if they have seen a ghost .

"YEAH I WILL TAKE HER . GIVE HER TO ME " i said and the nurse passed the baby to me. She immediately stopped crying . She looked at me with beautiful green eyes . I feel in love with her .Some motherly instincts rose in me . I kissed her head .

We walked out and steve asked .

"Now what are we gonna do with her?"

"I am gonna keep her ..." I said and client smiled .

Suddenly the Hydra agents broke in and steve and client fought while I was holding the baby . She started to cry .

"Huh!! Gotcha a baby" one agent said and tried to take her from me ...But I kicked his balls and shoot his head . The baby cried on and on. We took her out and everyone was shocked .

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