90) Three of us ❤️🌎 part 2 (nat)

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Tw : age regression ⚠️

A/n - sorry for late update buddies ... I will try to update soon .. please vote this part .. thanks for supporting me .. love u all so much 💕


Nat's pov :

Suddenly Steve's phone rang . He picked it up .

" Yea ok ok mhm yea yes " he said . He turned to me and said

" Well we have to leave for mission as soon as possible " he said . I nod and started to pack the bags .

" Well that's very tough as y/n is still not easy with us .. but we have to " i said . Steve nods ..

" It's gonna be okay love ..." He kissed my head . I packed out bags . And we left for mission in our jet ..

We came to a hotel in Russia . It's really nice and cold weather ..

"Name please" the receptionist asked for the name .

" My name is Anthony Darwin and this is my wife Martha Darwin and our daughter -"

" I am n-" i stopped y/n

"Baby u want some chocolate" i said and dragged her to another shop

" What did i tell u .we have to act honey please" i said . She looks away Nd nods .

I saw Steve waiting for us when we went in .. i brought her a chocolate , some candies and some toys . She looked a bit happy .

" What is her name now ?" I asked

" Tasha Darwin" Steve smirks .

" Well that's a good one babe ", i said and he kissed me . We went to the hotel in our room and strated to make strategy while Steve started to open the gadgets .

I saw y/n playing with her toys peacefully on the bed . I smiled at her . She is really innocent and very sweet child. If she was ours ...i began to imagine

I was brought back to real world as Steve called me .

" Well this looks fine .. but we have to wait for signal from fury and others " i said .

" Well we have no work for now . We can go and just roam around the city " Steve said .

" That's a good idea .." i said

" Y/n wear ur jacket honey we are going out " i said .

"Okay" she said . Her voice seems cheerful.

" She is getting okay but she needs time " i said .

" Yea ofc she does . But she looks a bit okay now "

Y/n come and stands near the door .

" Done " she said and gave a soft smile . She looks adorable . I squished her cheeks and we went out .

We still carried our guns in case of emergency .

" Wow see that's so cool " y/n said looking at a big shop of toys .

" Let's go there then" i said and a smile lit up her face .she ran ..

" See babe she is so happy aww " Steve said . He kissed me and i kissed him back .

" Wow there are so many toys " she said ..

" U can take some baby" i said and she got excited ..she got a big marvel Lego , some colouring books .. some colours .. and big teddy .

" How will we carry it home babe " Steve asked

" We will dw hubby" i said looking at his face .

We got her all the toys and books.

"Thank u so much " she said

Then we had a great evening like a family we ate in a restaurant .

" Is this ur child?" A random man sitting in next table asked

"Yes " Steve said . I hold y/n's hands

" Aww she is beautiful . Ur family is good" he said

" Actually i lost my family so i said "

" We are sorry to hear that" we said ..he nods ..

We ate our food . Then we went to hotel .

"U have to sleep with us sweetie" i said to y/n ..

" I can sleep on couch or on floor" she said but not in bitter tone .

" Ik u can but u need to sleep with us cuz it's too cold . I don't want u to catch cold honey" i said . She nods . She slept beside me

I didn't do any physical contact or touch because maybe it would make her again drift away .

"Thanks for everything " she smiled at us and we gave a smile back .

She slept

*Time skip*

~ a few hours later ~

I heard y/n cry and wake up . She was all sweaty and very tensed and shivering ...
So i hugged her . She melted in my hug and hold me tight

" Twhy hif MW "she said like a year old child . I looked at Steve .. he gave an assured look ..

" It's okay no one can hurt u with us honey" i said and stroke her hair . I wiped her sweat off .

" Thwy always hif MW and ywll af mw .. see " she showed us large bruises ..

" Omg ! But now u don't have to go to any of them ... We love u a lot like our won daughter" i said and kissed her forehead .

" She is a little babe it's so cute" i said to Steve .

" Yea it is ... She looks so cute with u" .
He said

" MW wuv botf of u as mwy own toof . MW sowry fow earlierr" she said and tears filled up her eyes . I kissed her head and wipes them

" Hey baby it's okay .. we love u the same " i said and Steve nods .

She seems to lean on my chest a bit more . So i pick her up on my lap and made her cozy ...i rocked her a little and stroked her hair and back ..

" My baby" i whispered cute things in her ears . And she slept again . I am not letting her go .

" We are ready to adopt her " Steve said and i nod

"Ik babe finally she is ours " i said and we looked at our daughter.

*Time skip*

~few months later ~

The mission was done successfully and we adopted y/n .. she calls me mama and Steve papa .. and she is very cute,jolly , active and adorable child. She is very cute as little too . She is now y/n Rogers Romanoff

" Mamaaa" she runs into my arms as she comes from school ..

" How was school baby?"

" It was good mama .. " she said nad i pick her up .

" Where is papa?" She asked

"Here comes papa " Steve said and made funny faces which made her laugh .. this was the family i always wanted .. a good husband , a child and love ...it's the best family i can ever have and i love this family so much


Words : 1041

Thanks for reading

Hope u like it avardx

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