45 ) Accident ❤️🌏 (scar) requested

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Requested by Alyssa347886

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Requested by Alyssa347886


Age : 1 month old .

Tw : car accident . Blood , cut

(None of Scarlett's children is here in the story )


Narrator's pov :

U woke up and saw no one beside u . U were between the pillow tower. Scarlett always makes pillow tower so that u don't trip over and fall. U are the only daughter of Scarlett Johansson and Colin jost. Scarlett had u just one month ago. She is still a bit weak and very tired . She has taken some months off from her tiring Work . Colin also works from home most of the time. Scarlett's pregnancy with u was way more harder than they thought . So she became so much weak. Ur delivery was very tough and painful for her . Moreover u used to wake up after 2 hours in night and she has to feed u. This all things made her weak. Anyways today they both had to leave for a very important work so Scarlett would take u . They were in another room beside the one in which u were . Scarlett was packing some stuffs . Ur diapers , ur pants , ur shirts. ,ur pacifiers etc . U didn't saw anyone and cried loudly
Scarlett ran into their bedroom. U slept with them everytime. Scarlett picked u up and u immediately stopped crying .

"Baby..U needed mama?" Scarlett asked and you looked at her . She bounced u up and down and went to another room where they were packing .colin saw u and gave a bright smile .

"Hi ..Bub...U are awake my jellybean !!"Colin said and kissed ur head .

"U wanna come to dada ?" He said and took u . He babbled with u sometime.

"I was thinking her a nickname .." Colin said

"Who many more would u give...U already gave like 100" Scarlett said and laughed .

"Yes. I know I did ...But still. Um.....Cookie " Colin said and looked u . U were smiling at him. He kissed ur head . They were so happy to have u after 3 years . U were like their whole world now . U now cried again . This time u were hungry . Scarlett understood because it was ur feeding time. She took u from Colin ,sat in a rocking chair and pulled her shirt and bra down . She rubbed the nipple on ur lips and u sucked it .The milk filled ur mouth and u slowly drank it . Scarlett rubbed ur back .

"So when are u leaving ?" Colin asked .

"Within an hour ...We have the meeting early...Don't worry Lizzie , chris , RDJ, Florence and other cast members will be there ...They are very helpful and supportive " Scarlett said and looked at u who was still sucking the nipple.

"I know...They are...I am not worried about it " Colin said

After 45 mins u latched off and Scarlett burped u . She kissed u head and dressed u . She took u down . They dressed themselves and Scarlett and Colin had their breakfast .

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