60) Accidental reveal 🌏❤️ (scar)

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Age : 1 year .

Tw : none


Scarlett's pov:

I was working on my laptop suddenly i remembered that I have a interview today ...It was just 6 a.m.but i was still worried ...I checked my meeting times ...It was at 1 p.m. .........I saw my small daughter yawning .... She is just an year old ...One week ago we had her first birthday ......She is always clingy to me because she has only me ....YES I am a single parent ... !! .I had three marriages but didn't work....And y/n isn't daughter of any of them...She has a secret dad .But that only i , her and the man knows ... She yawned and turned toward me ...I rubbed her back...She looked at me with beautiful bright blue eyes ... She has her father's eyes ..But except that she has all my features .

" Mama" she said and I blew air on her head ...

" Dw it agwin mama" she giggled and I did it ...

" Seems like u need a diaper change " i said and changed her diaper ...She giggled... I patted her stomach.

" Mama..hwngry" she said and tugged my shirt ... I smile .I unclipped my bra and open it completely ...I then pull up the hem of my shirt and she immediately latch on my nipple. I sat down on my laptop again... I do breastfeed her till now.. at morning and night...

" Omg!! It's an live meeting" i said and realized it was an insta live meeting .

I was doing my work ..While I felt y/n latch off ...I looked at the clock it was 45 mins she drank my milk... I pulled up the hem of my shirt ..

" U done?" I ask ...She nodded yes...I picked her up and burped her ..I again wear my bra .

" Mama....Dada no cwome tofday" she asked

" Probably no ... He would come tomorrow and stay this weekend .." i said which made her excited ... She is super excited and hyperactive kid ... She started to jump on the bed . ..

" Ok little Missy ..Calm down" i said and she sat snuggling beside me .

" Mama..whuy dada no stwy wif us?" Y/n asked me .

" He will stay with us when he marries me " i say ...

" So twll...Dada to mwrry u" y/n said ..

" I can't ...Until he is ready " i said ..

" Otay " she said and snuggled beside me ..

" Mama...Me see pwppa piwg" y/n said ..

" But it's only 7 a.m and u don't watch cartoon now " i said .

" Mama ...cwme..plwy wif me " she said and dragged me to her playroom..

She played with me until time passed... I went down and made my food and ate ...She also ate a small portion from mine ...

*Time skip*

It was now 1 p.m. we both had our breakfast and y/n is now playing with her toys ......

The live started ..And it was jimmy , me , chris , Lizzie and RDJ ...

" Hey " i said and everyone said hi back...

I checked y/n she was playing with her toys .. she now took her ball and ran around the house ....

" Is ur daughter awake scarlett?" Jimmy asked

" Yes..She is...And going on yelling and screaming while playing " i said ...Everyone was commenting down
'how sweet' ' cute ' and all good stuffs .

Suddenly y/n came and pepped over the laptop ..She sat on my lap and got excited ...

" Daddy ..Dada...hiiiiiiii" she yelled ... I was so nervous now ..

" Who is ur dada?" Jimmy asked and y/n being small said " dada is blue shirt one " she said indicating to chris...For a moment everyone was silent and then comments and others burst out ...


" Wtf!! She is Chris's daughter "

" Ohh wow..Finally " mostly said hateful comments ...

I closed the meeting saying bye ..I loker at y/n and yelled on her

" Cant u be a bit quiet for a moment ...U are a bad girl " i said and she cried...I forget she is too sensitive like chris is ...

She cried on and on..I wanted her to have lesson so i didnt say her anything ..

After 30 mins ..She sniffeld and i heard the door bell ring..I opened it and saw ...Chris ... He came in and y/n ran to him...

He picked her up and she cried more ..

"Mama scowlded mwe ... She swid me bwad girl" y/n said ..

" Don't cry baby...Mama was a bit angry ...She yells on me also...Dont cry"
He said and cooed y/n down ... She sniffled...

We both sat on the couch...Our phones were flooding with messages ...

" So now what?" He asked ...

" I don't know...If u wanna leave u may" i said knowing everyone left me..

"Hey hey...Scarlett babe...I won't ever leave u..I promise and our baby too" he said and planted a kiss on y/n's head ...

Suddenly y/n asked ...

" Dada ...U no wif us all thw twime...Mama sawd ..U mwrry hwer and twhn swty..mwrry mama" y/n said and I was shocked ..

" Shhhhh!!" I sushed her .

" I was thinking the same ...I don't have ring or something now..But I have y/n..The most precious -" he was cut off by me ..

" Gift u have given to me ever " i said and smiled .

" so Scarlett ingrid Johansson...I know u had many difficulties and trust issues ...But I can promise to be ur real man and stay whatver u face together and with our baby also...Please give me a chance " he said ...I thought and said .

" Yes be my man...I love u " i said and he kissed me ...

" I love u too" he said ...

" Dada kisswy " y/n said from his lap...He kissed her head ... And y/n leaned to me ..I took her ...

" Mama...Me sowry..." She said and snuggled into my chest ..

" Ok...I forgive u " i said and kiss her head ..She snuggled more into me....

I rubbed her back...And she felt asleep .

" Babe...I am so happy go have a baby girl with u ..." Chris said

" I am more happy ...I just can't wait for our marriage " i said

" Me too babe" chris said and kissed me ... We passionately kissed and I put my head on his shoulder ..He wrapped his protective arms around me.and y/n..I felt so safe and cozy ..The best place in the earth ... . He murmered " my girls"


Words : 1123

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