39) Its truth !! ❤️🌏 (scar ) requested

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Requested by EveAngela9

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Requested by EveAngela9


Age : 2 year

Tw: none .

(Rose doesn't exist ...The reader is the only daughter here )

Narrator's pov:

Everyone is not the same and so u weren't an exception too. U are two year old daughter of Scarlett Johansson and Colin jost . But the sad news was u can't hear anything. U can talk but can't hear anything . It was difficult for u but it was more sad when ur mom and dad didn't believe u. U were unplanned and they were frustrated and annoyed with u . u were so sad that u could not hear any sound of this world. U were confused .

U woke up in between ur mom and dad . And saw them sleeping . U went on Scarlett's chest and thumped ur hand on her chest . She asked

"What happened baby?"
U just could see her lips moving. U could not understand any of the words . U can just say mama and dada because u saw it in ur book . U can read .

"What ? Say something !!" She asked . But u didnt respond.

"What happened babe ?" Colin asked .

"She isnt responding again. We need to tell her. How to respond !!" Scarlett said a but frustrated in you .

"Oh..These kid...That's why I didn't want a kid...I told u not to keep this...But u did. I didn't want kid ever and u too...But I accepted and now this kid doesn't respond ...It's irritating " Colin said and gave scarlett and angry look.

"Stop Colin !! She can hear u " Scarlett said and put her hands in ur ear...But sadly u didn't know what was going on. U looked at scarlett and then at Colin ...U smiled a bit. Colin smiled back at u.
U called Scarlett by pulling her hand and showed ur tummy...U were hungry .

"U hungry ?" She asked but still no respond.

"Y/n respond ...!" Colin raised his voice ..But u still didn't look at her . He thought u were being bad so he took u from Scarlett and shook ur hand .

"Y/n...I am telling u to respond ...!!ughhh this girl ..!!" Colin said and hold ur small arms tight .U were now having pain so u cried .

"Don't cry...Like a baby..I didn't do anything I just asked u to respond ...Now go to ur mom." He said and passed u to Scarlett .

"Mama " u said and showed ur tummy . Scarlett was going to breastfeed u but Colin stopped her .

"Don't do that....She is 2 years old now...Don't breastfeed ...She is not a baby.." he said

Scarlett listened to him and stopped ..Meanwhile u were confused . Why did she stop..So u tug her shirt .

"No y/n...U are big girl " Colin said but u still did it. So he got angry and slapped ur back . Not hard but to scare u . U got scared and didn't know what it was for...

"I said no " Colin said sternly but no work. U cried on and on. Scarlett put u down and she went into the shower . After that she fed something and they both ate their breakfast and dropped u in ur daycare .

"Bye y/n baby " they said and waved their hand .U waved back because they did.

At 4 p.m. they picked u up. And the woman from ur daycare said.

"See mr jost and mrs . Johansson . Ur daughter doesn't respond to anything ..U should visit a doctor i recommend ." The woman said and they took u to the doctor that day .

"Ok..So I will perform some tests and then tell u " doctor said and took some of ur test .

After 30 mins the results came...The doctor called u, Scarlett and Colin in his chamber .

"So ...Mr jost and mrs . Johansson . I am sorry to say that ur daughter is deaf ..She can't hear ...So she didn't respond to u " he said and

Both of them looked at each other ...

They were shocked and tears slipped both of their eyes .

"So can't we do anything about it ?" Colin asked while crying .

"Yes..I can try giving her hearing aid..If it doesn't work then we can't do anything ..." The doctor said .

Colin looked at u sitting on Scarlett's lap .

"I am sorry y/n i did-" he stopped himself knowing that. U can't hear . He cried a lot because he thought u wrong . Scarlett was crying too .

The doctor put hearing aid in ur ear .

Scarlett called u....

"Y/n baby !"

U immediately looked at her ...U put ur hand in ur ear and could not believe u can hear .

"Baby girl !!" Colin called u now..U looked at him..

"Dada ...." U said ....And jumped into his arms...He hold u and cried .

"I am sorry.....I didn't know about this and thought u were a bad girl...But u are the most beautiful girl ever" he said and kissed all over.ur face.

"Mama !!" U said and jumped to Scarlett again .she hold u like a baby..And cried a lot...

"I am sorry ...I am. SO so sorry " she said and kissed ur head .

U could hear everything now..And responded to.

They bought most beautiful and expensive hearing aid for u . U were happy that u could hear ....They took u home and played with u..After nursing u they put u in bed .Scarlett sang lullabys for u...U never heard it...So u felt very attached to the music and slept.

"I am so sorry ...We did a mistake ..
And we didn't understood her ...She needed us the most but we thought it was something else "scarlett said.

"Yes babe..I was just getting irritated ...But else I should have been helping her . I love her...And really i wanted her ...I am sorry for what I said earlier ...So sorry ...Babe "Colin said .

"It's ok...She can hear now..Our baby is fine...We both are happy now.." Scarlett said and they both kissed ur head and slept beside u .


Words : 1010

Thanks for reading ...

Hope u like it EveAngela9 sorry for being late .

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