20) Kidnapped 🌏❤️ (nat)

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Age : 12 years.

Tw : blood , hit , choking ....




I woke up in the cabin...I remember what happened yesterday. I met Melina,(my grandma) , Alexei ( grandpa ), yelena (aunty ) . Mom was too distant with them so I did not get any courage to call them by what they deserves .

"Breakfast ready " maa yelled .

"Yeah maa coming..." I said back.

I am The Natasha Romanoff's daughter . Yes I am her biological child . Somehow she got pregnant and had me . I never asked mom cause it made her upset .
After brushing i went down and saw maa, aunt Yelena , grandma , and Grandpa sitting and talking about dreykov . How to find the red room and how to defeat him. I went and sat beside maa

"Good morning maa" i said and she kissed my head .

"Godd morning baby" she said back after kissing .

"Good morning aunt Yelena " i said...

"Good morning lil nat..." She said...

"Good morning grandma and Grandpa "i said and maa glared at me...

"U aren't allowed to call them grandma or grandpa..They aren't ...They aren't my parents or ur grandparents...U have only aunt lena " maa said and gave me a stare . I know what it was . If I break any rules or did not listen to her . She will punish me for one week . She will either ground me or no talking with her or no being with her...Anyone or more ...So I became quiet .

"We are ur parents and her grandparents . She can call us whatever she wants " grandma yelled .

"She is my daughter and I will decide what she will call u and what not" maa yelled back

" Maa i am sorry. I just thought it is ur family so " i said putting my head down .

"It's ok. " Maa said .She is angry on me i can guarantee .

"Don't be sorry . Ur mother is not good one. She can't do anything with anyone's will" grandma said. And mom banged her hand on the table.

"Maa-" i was going to say her calm.down but just then she yelled at me.

"Y/N U HAVE NOT LISTENED TO ME . SO U ARE GROUNDED AND DONT TALK TO ME.NOW GO UPSTAIRS " maa yelled which made tears form in my eyes .

I flinched . I ran outside instead of upstairs . I sat beside the compound of grandma's house and cried .

I was crying and suddenly someone put the hand on my face and ny waist and tried to pick me up. I turned around and saw the taskmaster . I used my moves to get out of her grip but no work . She put some injection in my body and I fell asleep.i could feel that she is taking me somewhere on a plane .I lied down and blacked out .

Narrator's pov:

"Nat where is y/n?" Melina asked while going out...

"WHAT !! SHE ISNT HERE!" Natasha gasped .They searched for her in every possible places around the house but no she is nowhere .

"Omg...Where could she be!!" Natasha placed her hand on her mouth and cried .

"It's my fault....I should not have scolded her so much. Omg!" Natasha cried .

After 10 mins a footage of y/n being captured pop up on the screen of Melina's tab.

"See this " she showed it tp everyone ...

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