21) First words ❤️🌏 (scar)

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Age : 11 month

Tw : none...Fluff :)


Narrator's pov :

Everyone was sleeping peacefully except the 11 month old daughter of Scarlett johansson ..That is u ..U wake up 5 a.m. in the morning and starts to fuss. Scarlett and Colin both has tiring schedule so they can't wake up so early . U fuss but Scarlett made u stop and u slept again .

(At 7 : 30 a.m. )

U open ur eyes and look at ur mama...I call her by putting ur hand on her face.

"Yeah baby?" She said looking at you.

U tugged her shirt . She smiled and pulled u closer to her chest . She pulled her shirt and bra down and rubbed her nipple around ur mouth. U felt the nipple so u latched on while u placed ur other hand on her other breast . U suckled the milk and drank it peacefully . She ran her fingers through ur hair . U hum. After 30 mins, ur tummy was full so u latched off...And she properly dressed herself back . U turn towards ur dada and he pulled u....His beard touched ur face so u pushed his beard ...( Colin has some beard not long but kinda trimmed )

"Is dada's beard disturbing u?" Mama asked u .

U nodded ...U still cannot talk . U pushed his beard and Scarlett laughed and Colin too . Colin again did it to irritate u . U pout at him...

"Aww is my beard disturbing my baby girl? But ur mama loved it so much when I ate her . She didn't feel itchy " Colin said and smirked at Scarlett ...She understood he was talking about the pleasure while having sex . It really pleasured her a lot.

"So will dada cut his beard ?" Colin asked u...U understood every word they spoke nad u could nod ur head yes and no .

U nodded no .

"No ? Why ? Does dada look handsome in his beard ?" He asked

U nodded yes...

"Aww...Ok i will not cut ...My baby girl" he said making u giggle .

He and Scarlett sat up and placed u on his lap .

"My baby doll...U are the most beautiful girl just like ur mama" he said and kissed u ...U giggled .

"Babe when is she going to talk ...If she doesn't ?" Colin asked Scarlett ...

She shook...

"No no she will talk...My baby will talk...No she can't be dumb" Scarlett said and took u from colin ...

She rubbed ur belly ...

"Bubba when will u say mama...I am so wanting to hear it ....And dada is too excited when u will call him...When wil u talk baby?" She asked u and u nodded ur head kinda no kinda yes .

She kissed ur head and placed ur head on her chest . U closed ur eyes and listen to her heartbeat which u listened for 9 months like musics to ur ears ..Every hour , every minute , every second .

After sometime she placed u on the floor and u crawled out. Colin went with u and Scarlett went into the shower . He was staying with u today as Scarlett was going out today to "jimmy Fallon's show" . She came down dressed and u whined at her .

"Mama has to go baby..She will come early as soon as possible " she said and kissed ur head and grabbed her watch ...She had some food and was going to leave .

"Don't forget to pump ur breastmilk . " Colin said...

"Oh yes .." she said and pumped her milk in two bottles and gave to Colin .

"Bye babe...Bye doll" she said and turned around but u were trying to say "mama"


"Mmmaamamam "


"Mama !!!!" U yelled after long trying ...Scarlett and colin both turned to u and Scarlett ran to u...

"Did u say mama?" She asked .

"Mama no" u said clearly .

"Omg!!" Colin yelled in happiness ...

U looked at him and got excited ..

"Dada " u said which made him stop dancing .

"What .U said dada?" He yelled in happiness ..

"Omg !! My baby girl " Scarlett said and kissed ur head multiple times .

"Mama no" u said again .

"But baby i have to go " she saw the clock it was already 9 a.m. and her show was from 12 o clock ..But she is never late anywhere .

U tugged her shirt...It hinted that u were hungry...She sat down and nursed u again...U weren't latching on so Colin hold ur face and Scarlett put her nipple in your mouth . As soon as u got it u suckled fast to get the milk. After 45 mins u latched off ...But didn't let ur hands let go her .

"Ok baby...I have to go but u won't let me go . So I am gonna take u to the show" she said and u smiled with biggest smile .

"U are gonna take her?" Colin asked .

"Yeah ..I will manage " Scarlett said ..

"But how will u breastfeed her ?"Colin asked .

"I will do . No problem babe . " Scarlett said ..

She dressed u like a doll and left giving Colin a goodbye kiss .

She reached the set . And took u to the show...

"Omg !!U brought her?" Jimmy asked .

"Yeah she was a bit fussy .Hope u don't mind" Scarlett said

"No no no..I don't mind ...Infact it's great that u brought ur daughter ..She is so cute ...Can she talk?" jimmy asked .

"Yeah..She has just said mama before coming here...Can u say mama once more?" Scarlett asked u ...U were sitting on her lap..

"Mama...." U said and smiled . U waved at the audience .

"Awww" everyone said ....

"So she is 11 month old right?" Jimmy asked .

"Yeah ...She is " Scarlett said and. She is so proud of u....U said mama and dada the same day...They talked while u played beside her on the couch . Colin and Scarlett both were very proud of you . After retuning they babbled with u ....The day went well


Thank u so much for reading .

Hope u like it❤️🌏

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