9) Disbelieve .❤️🌏..(scar)

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Age : 10 year...

Tw : blood , hitting , and bruises ....Could words...

No hate for rose...I am just thought of it...It came to my mind and I made it.. please don't be angry on me.....


Y/n's pov:

Being Scarlett Johansson's daughter would be so bad that I have  never thought of...I wasn't at first but after my step - sister was born it all started . My mom never believes me  . And Rose is only 1 and half year younger to me . But she always gets more love than me. She hits me and when I tell mom she never understands . She thinks her rose cannot do it...I hurt myself and do it to get her attention . She kicks me , hits my face for no reason ...She is Colin's daughter and I am Ryan's daughter ...I can say Colin is better than this two...He loves me and puts medicine whenever needed . He asks me how it happens but I cannot tell him about his daughter ...Right? He is her biological dad ..he will never  believe his step daughter would he? I was distant with my mom for more than 9 years . She was always with my sis ...She would attend her games ...Not mine ...She would take her to shopping not me ..Once rose fell down herself while running and my mom thought I made her fall down so she spanked me hard with belt and I still have the cuts on my legs ... I then spend a week with Lizzie aunt ...She is 35 year old now..And has her own family ...Only her husband robbie they both love me and I spend my time with them..She is my godmother too..and this is not the end , my mom spanks me still now if I do anything wrong with rose..I think she hates me because I make her remember of her ex - husband and their lost love. Now I think I was a mistake . Maybe she couldnot abort me so she kept ..But why didn't she give me up for adoption? Anyways it was 7 a.m.

"Y/n COME DOWN ..I NEED TO TALK TO U" my mom yelled ...She never calls me by sweet name like she did when I was with her...It was only me and mama. I love her ...YESS ..I still love her...

I went down and saw my mom sitting with rose cuddling with her on the couch and Colin was sitting next to them..

I went to her and sat down opposite to them ....

"Y/n ...Why did u get so poor marks ?" She yelled ...

"Sorry mom" i said faintly ....

"I AM NOT HERE TO TAKE UR SORRY !!!! U ARE GROUNDED FOR A MONTH AND DONT TALK TO ME " she said and threw my result on my face...

Tears rolled down my cheeks...


Rose was sitting and smiling ...

I ran up and silently cried . How can she do this with me ? I am her daughter ....Doesn't she understand i have feeling too....And yeah...She is always busy with rose and her homework ...Maybe if she helps me ...I would get good marks too...

Suddenly my door flung open . I saw rose standing with a evil smile.

" Hey u looser" she said and came near to me...

She took a pen and scratched my hand and then hit my face ....

"Can u please go now?" I said while wiping my blood ...

"Yeah.....looooserrr " she said and left.

I cried hard...And then Colin came...

"Hey baby girl ...I have brought some waffles for u ..Please eat it.." he said ...

I opened my door and took it..

"Thanks dad" i said with a weak smile...

He noticed my scar but did not say anything .

scarlett Johansson ⴵ /her characters × Child imagines Where stories live. Discover now