83)Premature or not ? ❤️🌎 (nat) requested

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Requested by EveAngela9

Age : newborn

Tw : labour ⚠️

A/n - hey everyone . Sorry for delayed update .... Please read the story and enjoy it .. the delay is because of my examinations start 1st march and ends 8 th March . So update will be a slow now . Thanks for reading .. please vote the story .. hope u all like it . ❤️ And ly all

Natasha's pov :

I woke up in the morning feeling steve kissing on my bump .

" Hey baby girl . Just one more month . We are so excited to meet u " steve said .

Yes I am 8 and half months pregnant with our daughter . I didn't know I could get pregnant . But after I found it it's the first and last time I can get pregnant and have a baby . So we are being very safe and even we don't live in avengers compound . My husband steve , is taking full care of us . We are so happy to have a daughter . We named her y/n . We are just waiting for her arrival .

I rubbed my fingers on my bump.

" Oh baby girl . Come outside of mama's tummy . Can't wait to meet u " i said .

" Ouch " i groaned in pain as she kicked inside me . She kicks hard inside me . She is very strong i guess due to Steve's super serum soldier .

" What is it babe ?" Steve asked concerned .

" As usual she is kicking inside me hard " i said smiling . I can take this little pain for my baby .

"Aww she is would be as cute as u " steve said .

" Yes thanks babe but I want her to have ur eyes . But she uses my kidneys as punching bags at night and my stomach as football all day " i said pouting .

" Aww babe . " Steve said and kissed my head .He put his lips on my bump . And said

" Ok baby we know u love to fight like mama and dada but don't kick and punch mama so hard . It's daddy here . I love u baby " steve said and y/n kicked but a bit lighter this time .

" She listened to u .. aww . " I said listening to what steve said .

" Babe let's make the breakfasts . U get ready . We have to go to avengers compound today " steve said . Y/n kicked .

" Ouch baby . Don't kick so hard . I know u are excited too " i said . She is kicking a lot today .

" Let's go else we will be late " steve said . We got dressed and I ate our breakfast

Steve drove to avengers compound . Everyone knew about us . As we reached i saw Tony , pepper , Their 18 year old son peter ,and 6 years old daughter morgan ., Wanda , vision their 12 years old sons tommy and billy , sam , rhodey, thor , carol , Yelena ,kate ,Clint ,and. Bruce.

" Hey nat . How is y/n?" Wanda hugged me . Everyone came from behind .

" Oh she is fine and healthy .She is kicking a lot today . " I said . The children. Came running .

" I wanna see little sister " morgan said jumping .

" She will be out soon honey " i said caressing her cheek.

"So at last natasha is having a happy family and so is steve " tony said .

"Thanks brother . I do . I am happy " i said smiling .

" We all want our happy families to be happy " wanda said .

"Now what is the meeting for ?" I asked tony .

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