70) Christmas fun !! ❤️🌍 (romanogers) ⍟⧗ requested

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Requested by EveAngela9


Age : 1 year

Tw : none


Natasha's pov :

" Mama wake up !!...It's christmas !!" James said sitting on my chest ..... He is my and Steve's 9 year old son .... Just then y/n cried ....She is just 1 year old now ....And it's her first christmas with us she was born on 24th december just a day before Christmas and yesterday she turned 1 ... So her first christmas with us is this year .... And we are excited ... Steve sat up on the bed holding y/n in his arms ...She cried a lot ...

" U want mama?" I asked and she looked at me with big green eyes ...And james went to steve ...I took y/n ..... Ig she is hungry so as soon i unclipped my bra ...She latched on my nipple and started to suck it ...

" Mama ... When will we go down?" James asked ...

" As soon as ur sister finishes her milk" i said and james nodded ... We waited and steve was entertaining james ... after sometimes y/n latched off and I burped her ... We went down ...

"GIFTS" james ran towards the tree and seeing this y/n also ran after him ...

" Aww they both are so happy !!" Steve said while wrapping his productive arm around me ..

" I am happy too" i smiled and he pecked me ...

We went to them and they were unboxing the gifts .... First steve open a red box ..

"SHIELD !! DAD UR SHIELD !!OMG...I always asked for this ..Wow thanks " he jumped ...He wanted to captain america jr.. and both of our kids are strong as they are born of my and Steve's fusion ..

" Mama...Nw dwoll" y/n cried as she opened her first gift ... She doesn't like dolls or girly stuffs ... She was grumpy now ...I glared at steve ...It was his idea

" Baby open the next "i said and she opened the next after much tries ...

"WOW MAMA..GwUN" she said jumped holding the gun..It was a fake one but made real sounds. ...

Then they opened their other gifts ..... and they were overjoyed ....

" Merry Christmas babe " i said to chris ...And we kissed ......

" Nwwwww kiss mama ..." Y/n came running to us and sat on my lap and made a pout ...

" Why can't I kiss her ?" Steve asked jokingly .

" Shw is mwy mama" y/n said hugging me ....

" And she is my wife " steve said back ..

Y/n thought for a second ....

" Shw is mwy evwrythiwng" y/n said and kissed my cheek ...I hugged ny lil baby girl back...And kissed her all over the face .....

Just then james came running with his new shield ...

" Dad catch it .." he said and thew towards steve ....

" Wow u are really good at it my boy " steve said and hold the shield ... Just then y/ n asked for it ....It was heavy for her but steve gave her ... She threw it towards james as it was nothing to her ..

" Babe she has got super soldier serum in a bit excess i think " i said and steve smiled

" Guess so " he said ...... And james said

" Mama i am hungry " ..

" Ok lets grab some milk and cookies " i said and we went to the kitchen putting y/n on the couch with her toys ....

*Time skip*

I gave james his milk and cookies and after sometime i heard a big noise...Steve yelling on james .I ran to them ....

" What happened ?" I said and james came and hugged me and cried .... And y/n ran to her father instead of me ...She gave me a glare ....

" James was gonna hit y/n" steve said while picking y/n up ......

" Why james ?" I looked at him..

" Mom y/n ate all my cookies and milk ..And she broke my new toy" james said and cried..

" Ok baby boy .... She is small ...Just a year old ...And she is innocent ...Dienst knows anything ...So she did it ...U should not have hit her and i will buy u more toys and give u food " i said

" And should not have yeller on james that much ...It hurt him" i said to steve

" Sorry dada ...Sorry y/n " james said and went to his dad ... He picked james up ...

I went to y/n and stretched my arms ...She wasnt ready to come to me ...

" Nw mama " she said and made a cute pout ...

" Why baby?" I asked her ...She just nodded no...

" Ok james .., my baby boy...U and daddy go out and play something ...I need to talk to y/n" i said and hinted steve to go out with james ...They went ...I made y/n sit on my lap ...

" It's ok mama isn't angry on u" i said ..She immediately hugged me ...

" Mama mw no wunt to ewt it ...bwut mw was hungry ...Mw am hwunrgy" she said ... She has super soldier serum...So she is hungry a bit more than other kids and needs more food .....She eats every 1 hour after. ...

" Ok u want milky now?" I asked ..She nodded yes ....I breastfed her again ... And after 45 mins she latched off ...I burped her ....

" Now let's go and dada and james " i said and she was super happy ...

So we went outside and played in the snow .....

After sometime i fed y/n again and we had our lunch ...

" Mama...Can we watch a movie ?" James asked

" Yes ofc which one?" I asked

"Christmas carol?" Steve said and james nodded ....

" Otay mama .."y/n said and we watched the movie ...We were enjoying the warmth of fire at fireplace blanket pulled over us. ....y/n was snuggling into me...While james snuggled with me from other and steve was beside y/n ...And it was so cute ...Our small cute perfect family ...

Gradually y/n slept ...in between me and steve and james beside me ...I pulled the blanket up on us and steve kissed me...

I kissed him and our babies head ...

" I love u so much babe ....And our perfect family" i said

" I love u so much too and our perfect family too babe...It's special " he said and we admired our babies in sleep while snow fell outside. ...Perfect christmas


Words : 1040

Thanks for reading it ...

Hope u like it

A/n - i was being through a difficult time ...So I could not update ...I was heartbroken...I am trying to regain myself by writing stories again.....Thanks for supporting me always ...

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