8) After vormir ( pt 2) another ending

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Age : 10 months and 2 year and 4 months....

This is another ending...I am giving some part of ( after vormir ...Part 1 ) please read part 1 ...


Before this there is much story please see part 1...(after vormir)

yelena went up and saw bucky sleeping with y/n ...He placed her on his chest and slept .

"Aww... Already a father !! So cute." Yelena went and kissed both of them.

~after 5 days ~

Everything was good but y/n stopped talking that was problem . But they knew she will...

Yelean was ready to breastfeed.. she was nervous....

Y/n cried at 7a.m. she was hungry ...

Yelena took her up and positioned y/n . She pulled her shirt and bra down . She had difficulty to make y/n latch on but gradually y/n latched on and drank the milk hungrily ...She smiled while drinking the milk. Yelena didnot feel weird but she felt so heavenly happy

Bucky smiled at yelena

" U are so natural yelena..U would.be a a good mom" he said...

" What about you...?See this pic..U have turned into full father mode.."

They both laughed .

Y/n latched off after 30 mins ... Yelena burped her . Y/n slept peacefully on Yelena's arms ..

***Second ending*****

( Now y/n is 2 and 4 months old...Yelena and Bucky have a daughter 1 year and 4 months old name jane...)

Jazz and y/n were playing in the garden  and y/n fell down...She got cut ...And Yelena immediately picked her up...

"No no it's ok...bubba ...U are my strong girl" Yelena said and applied some medicine...

Y/n now sat beside Bucky and babbled with him....

"Babe when are ur mother and father coming ?" He asked while picking up y/n

"Umm....They will arrive in an hour" Yelena said and placed jane on her hip...

They both went upstairs and dressed themselves .......


The bell rang and  they all hurried down...

"Hi baby...How are u ?" Melina akses with a smile as Yelena opened the door..

"I am fine...What about u?"

"I am fine too..."

"Hey son ....Hope u keeping good care of my daughter and grandchildren .." Alexei said and hugged Bucky...

"Yeah...Dad...I am..." Bucky said and they all seated themselves on the couch....

Just then y/n and jane came running down and hugged Melina and Alexei...

"How did this happen?" Melina asked pointing to y/n's knees who was sitting on her grandma's lap....

"Oh...She fell down while running and she did not even cry...She is as strong as natasha " Yelena said. .

All of them went silent when the heard natasha's name...

Suddenly y/n asked breaking the silence...

"Grandma ..... Why did mama nat left me? I love her so much...Won't she ever come back to me.?"

"I am sorry baby...She left this world so that u all can be safe...She loves u a lot...And no ...She will never come back"
Melina said wiping y/n's tears away....

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