25) Periods ❤️🌏 (scar)

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Age : 7 ( i am doing seven because I had my periods at seven years of age...It is kinda weird ...So I don't know how it feels like having period at 12....So I am doing it 7 don't mind...pleaseee)

Tw : mention of period...And some female internal stuffs


Y/n's pov :

I sleep with mom and dad still now. I am scared of dark so .And they never say no ..So it makes me feel comfortable . Today I woke up and didn't feel good. I felt something in my PJs . I sat up and saw blood...I screamed...

"Mama ...Dada i am going to die" i screamed in horror .

They woke up . Mama and dada both saw and gasped ...Mama hold me...

"No...Don't worry baby..It's just ur periods " she said trying to cool me down .But I was super freaked out.

"But she is 7 how-" dada was telling something but mama stopped him.

"It's ok...We will consult the doctor later now...Let's get a shower first and then u will have to use pad for now." She said and picked me up.

Mama cleaned me up while I was bathing . She wrapped me in a towel and took me to the room. Dad was sitting with some pads .

Mama grabbed one pant and put the pad...She showed me...

"First open it...Like this"

"Then open the back sticker ...And place it in ur panties ...Then press a little so that it sticks . "

"Then open this upward sticker and stick the flaps on the side of the panties " she said and she did it for me...Mama make me wear it...

"Mama...It's so uncomfortable " i said ...It was really uncomfortable.

"U will have to get used to it baby" she said and Kissed my head .

"Mama will i die ?" I asked snuggling into.her chest .

"No baby..U won't " mama said .

"Mama why this happens ...Do u have periods still now?" I asked .

"Yeah I have it still now...

Listen this happens to every woman..And that's why we are strong.men don't have it ...." She said...

"But why we have it" i asked ...

"So think u have seen files in computer ?"


"So both male and female have files...Male ones are called sperm and females are called ovaries ....Every month nature sends one ovary file to our fallopian tube...U take fallopian tube as a fallopian folder ...It's messages "do u want to have a baby ?" It waits for one month and when there is no answer to it .The ovary file gets deleted and falls as blood from our body . It's nothing very serious baby." She said and kissed my head.

"So how the sperm file attaches to the female ones .?" I asked...

"Umm....U have seen phone socket and charger ....It connects perfectly ...So male reproductive organ is like a charger point ....It connects with female reproductive organ vagina ....And sperm files transfer ...Sometimes it connects sometimes it don't....So when it connects the baby forms...Now u get it? But baby u will have cramps..." She said...

"mama i got it...Was i born like that?" I asked .

Dada and mama looked at each other and smiled...

"Yeah ...U were born like that..." Mama said and dada came and rubbed my back...

"Mama my tummy hurts " i said while I was having bad ache.

"It is ur cramps baby ....Let me get u some warm food and and some warm water " mama said and left...

I laid down in bed beside dada ..He stroked my hair.

"Dada ...U know about it?" I ask.

"Yeah baby ...I know...And it happens only during a certain age ...It's called adolescence and then at the age of 45-50 it stops ...It's called menopause " he said..

"But why it stops? Why ovary file finishes?"

"Because when a baby girl is born her ovary folder forms within her mother and ovary files number is limited ..That's why.." he said and kissed my head.

I hugged him...

"Dada ...I love u "

"I love u too baby girl..."

Just then mama came with my favourite breakfast and a hot glass of milk...She fed me . After that she put a hot water bag on my tummy...It was so comfortable now....

"Mama..Dada thank u so much...I love u both...Stay with me please "

"Yeah baby...I am here...I love u more than anything " mama said...

"I love u too...My baby .....I am here..." He said...Mama put her other hand on my head and rubbed it...I fell asleep again...


Thanks for reading..

hope u like it...

I am telling the truth ...I had my periods at 7 and I was about to got to school ...My story is different...Mom told me before but she didn't explain it like i did here..Anyways I had a test so I went to school with pad on and gave the test . I was super freaked out...But in my country there is no clingy mama or like I portray scarlett here...We are just like ok...Give pill give medicine it will be ok....Not anything I portray here ...Our mothers don't cuddle...Some people here thinks it nasty and sin....People's mindset .My parents aren't like this....They are supportive...But not like Scarlett is...I want a mother like her...What I portray in my stories....I love this type of life...

Sorry if I talked to much. .....

Hope u enjoyed it..


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