85) Lost child ❤️🌎 part 1 (scar) requested

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Requested by _Lhia_

(Rose is not here )

A/n -hey everyone . My exams ended i am on my trip rn and it was fun . Hope tomorrow is fun too . And everyone is good ig .I will update more now and i was thinking to do a rachel weisz mother× daughter imagine book .. .. please let me know if u want it

Please vote the story ... Thanks for supporting .. and love u all ❤️


Y/n - Athena

Age : newborn

Tw : labour , mention of abuse ⚠️
Scarlett's pov :

It has really been an exciting second pregnancy . Cosmo is too eager to meet his little baby brother or sister but he wants a baby sister . We didn't do a gender reveal because we did it while time of Cosmo so I just wanted it to be a surprise after 9 months . Colin wants a daughter and so do I . Because Cosmo is our first son and looks like Colin now I want a mini me .

" Hey baby "Colin said and kissed my bump .And the baby kicked . I caressed my bump . If such a cute one . Cosmo ran into our room and jumped on our bed .He is 7 now .

" Hi baby . I want u to be out soon .. why do u take so much time in mama's tummy? Come out fast and then i and u play " cosmo said kissing my bump

" Aww the baby will be out soon . Just a week and the baby needs time because it needs to grow inside mama's tummy ."
I said smiling at my son's innocence .

" Babe what's ur mood to eat today ?" Colin asked

" Umm something salty please . I can't handle too much sweet now and my back hurts a lot " i said . My back reply hurts . The baby is healthy than Cosmo was and it hurts my back carrying him/ her .

" Ok babe . I will make something " Colin said and went to the kitchen . I adjusted my pillow and sat up leaning on the bed . Cosmo nestled beside me babbling with my belly and the baby kicked in response . I was so happy with such a cute conversation of my two children.

*Time skip*

~One week later ~

I am in labour rn and it has been almost 17 hours of it . My back hurts like shit . Colin is with me . While Cosmo is with Lizzie and others . Idk but this pregnancy is tough .. maybe because of my age but my vaginal walls hurt so much this time .

" Can u push ma'am?" The midwife said

"Ahhh ! I c-cant " i said while huffing . Colin kissed my head .

" Babe u can do it .. one more " just one more for our baby " colin hold my hands and kissed my head .

" AHHHHHH!" i pushed and felt the baby come out . I could not look at it . I just laid my head back ..

" It's a healthy baby girl . Mr . Jost and Mrs. Johansson but we need to take her for test" the doctor said . He was holding a baby full of blood and white fluid but took her for tests. i could not even see her face . But I was happy we had a baby girl just as we wanted .

After sometime . They came back with a small child . They passed her to me . She has black hair , brown eyes and a bit dark complextion . But I didn't care . We have a beautiful girl . We named her Cassie .

Everyone saw our little girl and was happy . Cosmo was over whelmed and he started to babble . We all were happy

*Time skip*

scarlett Johansson ⴵ /her characters × Child imagines Where stories live. Discover now