65) I want a son !! ❤️🌎 (mary ) requested

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Requested by EveAngela9


Age : newborn , 1 month old and 3 years old ..

Tw : none


Mary's pov :

" Oh more push" the mid wife said ..

" Ahhhhh !!" I screamed and we heard a sharp cry following my scream ...

I look up and saw my baby full of blood ..But crying loudly... The midwife cleaned the baby and gave it to me ..

" It's a girl" she said ...I cried ...The king wanted a son ...And not a daughter .And I was going to give him surprise by giving him a son ...

But I can't let them kill her ..If king's men know I have been pregnant and given birth to a girl ...They would kill her .....

" So u have a girl now ?" Anne said

" Yes ...Please anne don't tell the king .. " i begged while my daughter cried in my arms..I cradled her to make her stop but she cried ...

" Ok...I won't ...But instead u will have to let me be his queen and u will be his mistress " anne said ....I was in pure shock ... But what can I do now ? ...As a mother i have to protect my daughter ..

" Ok...I agree " i said...

" Perfect" Anne said ... My baby's cry was getting louder and louder in minutes ...

" Please make the girl stop " Anne said with disgusted face ...

" I am trying ...I think she is hungry ...." I said ....I have to breastfeed her ...But I have to find a way to keep her safe ... I called a servant ...

" Hey maria .... When the king comes say this is ur daughter and u had her with ur husband ...Please save me and this baby" i begged ...maria was good so she helped me ...

" But mary ..U need to breastfeed her because i don't have breastmilk" maria said

" Yes ..I will be with her all the time ....And when I will feed her u stand outside making sure no one comes in" i said

" Ok.." maria said and she went out ...I pulled my dress a bit down and made tye baby latch on my nipple ...She wasnt sucking ...So i pushed my breast to ooze some milk and she drank it ...I looked at her innocent face ..

" Dont worry baby...Mama is always with u ...We need to name u ...! Uh how about y/{n?" I said and she gave a big smile while drinking my milk ..I smiled and kissed her head ..

" Aww my baby girl y/n...I love u so much "i said ...

* Time skip*

~ 7 days later ~

The king returns ...I was done breastfeeding y/n ..So i passed her to maria

" Long live the king " i said and bow ...

" I hope everything is good here " he said

" Yes my lord " i replied ...

Anne came and kissed on king's hand but i could not tell anything due to our promise ....

King noticed my daughter ...

" Maria when did this new member come ?" He asked

" Oh i and my husband had her just one week ago " maria smiled.

" Oh.Her? So sad for ur husband " the king said and didnt even ask the name ... He wants a boy who can be his heir..

Anne gave a wicked smirk and walked off .. y/n cried ...My heart was tearing apart to hear her cry ..She wants me always that all. Maria was trying to calm her down but she could not and I also can't do anything because king and his men were there ..

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