36)nothing to everything ❤️🌏 (annie ) requested

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Requested by Scarlettsbottomx

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Requested by Scarlettsbottomx

( I am going to change some part of the story..And I already talked to Scarlettsbottomx ....Scarlettsbottomx told its ok )..


Age : 2 year

Tw: abuse


Narrator's pov:

U woke up in ur bed . And saw it was 7 a.m. u got out of ur bed and walked out of the room . U saw ur elder brother cuddling with ur parents and sleeping .
Ur parents never loved u ...U only time experienced love from annie (ur nanny ). She is 22 now and she is ur nanny . (A/n: let's pretend that grayer doesn't have a nanny ). She loves u a lot and takes a lot of care for u.she loves u a lot and u love her too...U wait everyday when she will come. U saw ur parents come down with grayer on ur mom's lap . Grayer is 7 now and ur mom and dad loves him the most . U can say...Ur mom never likes u or does cute stuffs with u like she does with Grayer . Ur dad abuses u. But ur mom doesn't know about it. He hits u for no reason . But he loves grayer a lot . He gives all the wants ..U once asked for a new teddy . He just hit u very bad .

Grayer came and took the tv remote from u . U whined .

"Give me...me was seeing it first " u said but grayer pushed u .

"No...It's mine " grayer said...

"Yes it's his..And now go away..." Ur mom said while pushing u away from grayer . U cried quietly .

After 30 mins ..They left ..

"Hey u ...Listen u are going to grayer's school ...And then we would take him to amusement park. U be here and be with annie " ur dad said with much disgust and slammed the door .

Ur stomach was growling . Just then annie came. She opened the door .

"I am sorry baby girl....I got late " she said and kept her bag down . She picked u up and headed to the kitchen .

"What happened. ?U have tear strained cheeks ?" Annie asked .

"Me told twhm that mw want to watch tv but grayer hit me and his mwm pushed me and me got cut ..Me no told them " u said and showed her the bruish that I got on ur hand.

"Omg!! Baby..It's a big one...!! I will bandage it wait " annie said and kissed ur head .

She bandaged ur cut and just then the door bell rang .

Annie opened it and saw harvard ...U ran to him..

"Harvard uwcle" u said and he picked u up.

"Hi lil baby...U are so cute...How did this happen ?" He said looking to ur freshly bandaged cut .

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