57) Quietness ❤️🌏 (scar) part 2

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Scarlett's pov :

Y/n ran to her trailer and we ran after her ... She went in and saw her washing and bandaging her wound ...She was trying hard not to cry and show her emotions ...But her eyes were glistening . I and Lizzie shared a look . We both understood that she was having pain in her hand .

She looked at us . " What !" She asked.

" Um...I am sorry that she -" i said but she cut me off .

" Are u her mother ? She did it ..Why are u sorry ? And leave me alone " y/n said with a bitter tone .

I didn't like her attitude now...And Lizzie also...We came back ...

" Why did u went behind her..Let her suffer ...We don't care " Florence said .

" Yes ...She is such a brat ...I have never seen a child with so bad attitude . " Cobie said

" Yes she does have ..." Lizzie said with angry face ...

To be honest ...I also was irritated by her attitude now .

Ever said " i am sorry ...But I didn't push her hard ..She is lying " .

Just then y/n came and sat at a distant with us . We didn't pay her attention . She sat and ate food alone .

* Time skip *

It has been months shooting the movie.... Y/n is never close to us .She is quite and don't at all talk to us ...After scenes she sits on her own and reads book or listens to music .

She is a very good actress ...She shoots scenes with me as if she is so close to me and I am her mom but after the scene ends she is a complete stranger ... I am shocked tht she is a 8 years old .

Anyways ...Today we are sitting and we have done with our scenes .. as usual
Y/n is sitting in distant with her earphones .

Suddenly ever comes in and says .

" I can't find my earphone ...My apple earpods ..... Omg!!Someone took it " she said .

Everyone tried to calm her down....She is very much close nad clingy to me...So I went to her and hugged her ..She sniffles .

" U gave that to me in daughter's day .." ever said while crying ....

We consoled her ...I saw y/n looking at us . Her eyes were quiet , calm and full of hurt feelings ....I never saw her eyes speaking of sadness before ...I was consoling ever ...But suddenly . Ever looked at y/n ...she went to her ...

" Give my airpods back " ever yelled .

" I didnt take them " y/n said

Ever took the airpod which y/n was wearing and threw it across ...

" It was mine ..Why did u break it ?" Y/n asked with much shock in her face .

" It wasn't ur ...It was mine and I can do whatever I want ..Because u don't have any money to buy it ...U poor " ever said

We ran to them....y/n was about to cry but she didn't .....

" U will suffer " y/n said

"Oh...U will make me suffer how ?" Ever mocked ...

Suddenly y/n pushed ever hard ...She hit her head and blood came out ...

I slapped y/n..Because I could not control my anger ...And florence pushed y/n . She fell down ...Lizzie yelled on her .

" U brat ....U hit her so bad " Lizzie said

" Didn't ur mom made u learn any manners ? Or is she like u too?" Florence asked with anger ..Everyone was angry ..

Y/n looked at florence with angry eyes .... Her head got bruish and blood was oozing .

" If u tell anything about my mom ..I am going to kill u " y/n said nad before we all can say her anything she ran to her trailer .

I was holding ever in my hand . Her head is ok now...But y/n's head got cut .

We bandaged ever . And just then Lexi came ..

" Hey ever...I am sorry ...I took ur airpods because I forgot mine to bring ..Sorry " Lexi said and we all felt guilt about what we said to y/n...

Although she is rude and has attitude ....She is a kid ... Ever left with Lexi ...

"I feel so bad now "Lizzie said...

" Yes me too... I pushed her and she fell down ...And hurt her head. ..We should go and check on her "flronece said

" I feel terrible " i said ...I had some motherly instincts for y/n because she played the role of my daughter and how she played it was so real...I felt like she is my daughter ....

Anyways we went to her trailer and found her crying ...Her head was ook..She bandaged it herself . Just the her phone rang . She picked it up and her face filled with horror ... She packed her bags and left saying Russo and cate goodbye ...

* Time skip *

It was two week ...y/n didn't come to the set ..She is very punctual ...This made everyone think about her ... We can't call her ..It says busy or swictched off .

" Russo ..It has been two weeks we should know where y/n is " i said

" Yes Scarlett is right ...We should know about her ..." Lizzie said ...

" I know...I wanna know about her too...I just have her address ..I don't know much about her " Russo said

" What? Her mother or father ?" I asked

" I don't know ...When I made a contract with her she said ..We can't ask about her family and she can't give their number ...She only have her address ...And said not to visit except emergency ." Russo said

Why would a 8 year old do that? ..I thought.

" But let's go to her home...We need to know how is she ?" Florence said

"Yes ofc " cobie said ...

Most of our cast went to find her ... It was me , Lizzie , chris , RDj , Florence , even Colin also joined us because he always felt y/n mysterious , ever , brie, gawyneth , cobie , and Russo .

We went to her address ... We found a very old home and it was almost broken...

" She has fooled u " chris said to Russo ..

Just then an old man came out in teh neighbourhood ... He became to throw trash ..

" Who are u searching for ?" He asked

" Umm...y/n ..." Lizzie said

" Oh ..wait " the old man said and called y/n by her name...She opened the door .

We saw her in a very sad state as if some thunderstorm blew over her ... She gasped when she saw us and tears fell down...

The old man also came to y/n's home ...

"Are u her grandfather !" I asked

" No .. i am her neighbour " he said ...

We sat inside ..It was very old but was clean ...

" Where is ur parents ?" Florence asked y/n as she sat opposite to us .

She broke down crying...We never saw her cry like this before ...I felt something and hugged her ..She hugged me back...She was completely changed ..Her eyes were calm and cool not like before ... even Lizzie came and hugged y/n from another side ..She cried nad cried .. we both felt so bad and everyone did ... Y/n looked at me and then at Lizzie ...She then looked at others and sniffled ...She said

" My momma ...


Words : 1203

Thank for reading

Hope u like this part ...

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