46) run away and re-meet!! ❤️🌏(scar) requested

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Requested by xx_CutePixel_xx


Age :10

Tw : cursing

Narrator's pov :

U are y/n Johansson Jost. Yes! daughter of scarlett Johansson and Colin jost . U have an elder brother Cosmo jost who is 4 years elder to u and u have an elder sister rose who is 9 years elder to u . U think being Scarlett Johansson's daughter is fun...It was until ur mom started to compare u with rose...Dad never compared...Nor does Cosmo does.
Rose is an actress . She has done two films till now. And u have just started one...It's an web series . " Stranger things " u are playing eleven's sister role (A/N : improvised character ) ...The mother figure u have is Elizabeth Olsen ...And rachel Weisz. U have been close to rachel because she plays ur mother character in "stranger things " . She is really close to u . And u love her a lot...But u never told her what u are going through .

"Y/N why did u not come first in swimming ?" Scarlett raised her voice .

"I am sorry mom....I was busy -" u said but she cut u off .

"See ur sister y/n...She is also busy with her films and successful in her sport , tennis ...She plays so well...Can't u be like ur elder sister ?...I am disappointed in u y/n..." Scarlett yelled on u . Tears dropped down ur eyes.

"Dont cry please..." Scarlett said and she went down ..Colin was there ...He hugged u .

"Don't cry baby ...Mama just wants u to become successful " Colin said

"No dad..She always compares me with rose . She doesn't love me dad . She never did . I think I am mistake...Why will she want another kid after having a girl and a boy....She didn't want me...But she could have just aborted me . . " U said and cried.

"No baby don't say it...U were planned ...I don't know why ur mom does this...I told her not to...But she loves u baby.." Colin said and kissed ur head .

"What happened dad ..? Again mom compared ?" Cosmo said . He was standing leaning the doorframe . U hugged him and cried .

"Sissy...U aren't a mistake. .I don't know why mom does this...But I she loves u . And we love u baby sis " Cosmo said and kissed ur head .

Cosmo and Colin cooed you down to cool u and u cooled down . U went down and ate something with them..U saw Scarlett and rose cuddling each other on couch .

"Well done baby girl...U did great !?" Scarlett said and they talked about it .

The day was very disappointing for u . U were always left out by Scarlett. U love u mom a lot .anyways ..U were used to it always so didn't feel anything more .U called rachel ( A/N : i am just doing rachel weisz as the mother figure here because Lizzie being mother figure has been quiet common so I tried someone else here...Don't be upset or Angry one me )....U talker to her in normal voice . She didnt understand anything that u were unhappy .

*Time skip *

~next morning ~

U all were sitting and eating ur breakfast . Scarlett got an phone notification ....After reading it ...She flater at u ...

"Not again y/n....U again did this...U again didn't attend this class ..." Scarlett yelled .

"I am sorry mom..I don't like that classes at all I told u " u said .

"Why...Everyone does...Rose does it too..And see her she does it so well. U are so disappointing " Scarlett said .
Now it was out of ur control. U yelled

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