63) Birthing alone !! ❤️🌎 (nat) requested

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Requested by EveAngela9


Age : newborn ..

Tw : intense labour


Natasha's pov :

" So I may leave now..Call me whenever u want " rick said before boarding his jet

" Yes ...Ofc ..." I said while carassing my bump ..

I am 9 months pregnant with Steve's child.... And I don't know my due date ..I had fights with tony so I came to norway and is hiding my identity and staying in an old safehouse ... I am waiting for the child to come out because then I can go back to the stark tower ...

I saw Rick's jet vanishing in the sky ...I came into my van ...And sat there ...I was craving for sweets ...So I took a pack of chocolates and I took icecream out ....I started to eat ...I was being bored ...So I thought of seeing a movie ...

I sat down on the couch and turned the movie on ... I was happily enjoying my movie ...Suddenly a pai shot my abdomen ...I felt water run down in between my legs ...

" Shit my water broke !!" I said ....I tried to get up and call but the pain again shot my abdomen ..... I felt the baby trying to get out of me. ..

I laid down on the couch and managed to grab some sheets ....... The pain was increasing minute by minute ....It was unbearable ...

" Omg!! Ahh!!" I yelled ...But there was no one around to help me...

I again tried to get up but I could not .....The baby was moving inside me...I could not bear it anymore and gave a scream... I hold my abdomen sides and nudged it ...But the baby kept on moving ...

" Ahh ...I have to call r-rick " i said ...But I could not get up... The pain increased ...

I was scared as there was no one to help me ......

Time was going on and my pain was increasing ......I threw a penstand on the desk which resulted my phone to drop ...

I hold it by my legs and then took it ...

" Ahh!! I can't bear this" i said and called rick

" Ok...I am coming but it would take 4 more hours and it's already 4 hours " he said

" U come idiot " i said and cut the call

It was already four hours of my painful labour .... And I don't know how much more ...

I carefully picked myself up off the couch and went to the bathroom for a shower ...I took a quick warm shower which helped me ... And then I laid down again. ..

My pain was increasing in every moment ..... I felt the baby was now trying to push itself out ...

I can't bear it i pushed ...

One time!!

" Ahhhh !!".

Second time ... " Ahhhhhh!"

Third time " ahhhhh!!". Nothing happened ..

I laid my head down in pain... My pain was increasing but my tiredness made me sleep..

I woke up by a huge pain in lower abdomen...

I pushed ...

" Ahhhhhhh now come out !!" I yelled ...

" Ahhhhhh !!" Once more ...

I put my fingers in my vagina and felt a something maybe the head on the baby ...

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