62) Attention seeker ❤️🌎 (nat)

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Requested by x_ExpiredTrash_x


Age : 1 and half years old

Tw : none


Narrator's pov :

Natasha woke up by peter's crying ...

"Uh....It's just 4 a.m.....I think he is hungry or he has pooped " natasha said and groaned ...

She picked peter up....... Peter is tony and pepper's son...He is just 8 months old. Tony and pepper has been to UK for their important work .... And natasha is now taking care of peter which has made her reduce her attention to u .... And u are very much angry with her ...

Natasha checked peter ...He didn't poop ...

" So u are hungry my boy?" Natasha asked

"Mm" he made noises ...Natasha grabbed the bottle and put it on his mouth ...He didn't take it and tugged Natasha's shirt .

" Baby boy...U have to drink it from the bottle " natasha said ..

But he tugged her shirt again and sniffles .

" Ok fine ...U will get the milk from me " natasha said and made peter latch on her breast ... She kissed his head ..

" Aww good boy" natasha said and just then u entered and saw ur mom feeding him ... Tears rolled down ur cheek ... Usually natasha used to breastfeed u in morning and night ..But now she has do it to peter so she can't do it to u for days ..

U sniffled and it made natasha look at u .. u immediately broke the eye contact and went to another room. U cried a lot ... U went to cuddle with ur mom...Just then wanda entered ur room...U knew she would ask so u pretend to sleep ... And hid ur feeling and kept ur mind empty ... U know that wanda can read minds...

" Good morning ...U awake?" Wanda asked

" Humm" u hummed. Wanda hugged u and u needed a hug so u cuddled into her ... She rubbed ur back . And kissed ur head .

" U ok baby?" Wanda asked .

" Yws awnt" u said and she rubbed ur back ...Wanda was the most important person to u after u mom...She was like ur mom too..

Suddenly u felt sleepy and u yawned .

" Sleep baby..It's just 4 : 30 a.m....U need sleep" wanda said

" U nw go away whun mw slweep " u said ..

" no baby ..I won't ..." Wanda said and u snuggled with her and slept ...

*Time skip*

U were sitting and painting on ur book ... It was 1 p.m. now ...U were hungry ... So u went to nat and tugged her shirt ..

" Not now y/n ...I have to feed peter and he needs milk from breasts directly ...U go and eat something solid " nat said while picking up peter ....

U sniffles and got down from her lap ..Her words have hurt u. ..

U went to ur toys and sat their playing because u were stubborn that until she fed u.. u won't eat ......

As u saw natasha breastfeeding peter again and babbling with him...U threw ur toy....At her ..It hit her back of head ...

" Ouch!! Y/N ROMANOFF THAT HURTS !!". She yelled and you cried ..

" Swory" u said and ran down...While running u hurt ur leg as u fall down but u ran to ur favoutrie spot in the compound ... And cried a lot ...

U were hungry so u sucked ur finger and slept on the bench. .

~ in the compound ~

Nat was done feeding and making peter sleep ... She now noticed that u were no where ...

" Shitt!! Where is she ... ? I did mistKe !!" Nat told everytime .. she let others know ..

" When did u saw her last ?" Steve asked ..

" 2 hours ago" natasha cried ...
They tried to find u ... ..

Time passed and it has been 4 more hours. ..Natasha was devasted ..

" I was caring for peter while I didn't care for my own daughter ...... Such a bad mother i am" natasha said crying ...

" Do u know her favourite spot?" Wanda asked

" Ye- yeah...It's behind the compound beside the lake " natasha said and everyone went their ...

They found u sound asleep ... While u kept ur thumb in ur mouth ...

" Oh my baby " natasha said and picked u up ...

" Mama" u were startled and now realized it was natasha ...

" Yes baby mama is here ..Let's go home " natasha said and took u inside ..

She took u to her room... And u sniffled.

" Baby ,mama is sorry" natasha said to u ..

U kept quiet...

"Talk to mama baby" natasha said

" U nw lwve me anwymore...U nwwed a babwy like pwter.." u said while sniffling .

" Baby...I love i more than anyone...U are mine...Peter is just with me as uncle tony and aunt pepper went to UK...They will return 2 days after ...Then u are with me...But whosoever is it ..Baby...Mama loves u the most " natasha said

" U nw gwive mw mwilky and pwtwr hwve it " u sniffles ..

" Shit u didn't eat food for lunch ?" Natasha asked

" Nw" u said

" Sorry baby...Mama was being bad...But mama loves u the most ...Now lets feed u" natasha said

She unclipped her bra and pulled her shirt and bra down ..... u latched on and drank her milk fast ..

" Slow down baby" natasha said and u slowed down... ..

Just then tony and pepper came back... They got in and took peter ..

" But u told u would come tomorrow " natasha said

" Yes but we heard what y/n did and why...So we decided to come back...U need to take care of y/n frist ...And now it's late..And we are tired ...Talk to u tomorrow " tony said

" Ok brother thanks a lot...Good night "natasha said and they both left saying good night .

U drank her milk while she sang lullaby's ...U slept ..... She kissed yr head ..

She laid down with u on top..... And rubbed ur back ..

" Sleep baby..Mama is here ...With u ..She won't leave u " natasha said and u wiggled on her chest ...

U slept and after sometime she also drifted to sleep


Words : 1020

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