41) Mommy's no home so fun 🌏❤️ (scar)

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Age : 1 and half years old

Tw : none ...

Siblings : 2 ...Cosmo and rose 15 years (twins) (Both Colin's babies )


Narrator's pov:

"Mommy !! Mama " Cosmo and rose said and jumped on the bed between Scarlett and Colin .

"Hi babies...!!" Colin said and hugged both of them.

"Hi munchkins !! Good morning !!" Scarlett said .

"Good Morning mama !!" Rose said

"Good morning mama !!" Cosmo said and they both snuggled to Scarlett . U were in ur crib sleeping but u woke up when u heard Cosmo and rose coming and talking . U woke up and stood in ur crib.

"Mama..!!" U said loudly and caught everyone's attention .

"Hi lil one !!" Scarlett said and got out of bed and walked to ur crib. She picked u up and kissed ur head . U stretched ur arms towards Colin and he took u .

"Hi baby girl !! Good morning " Colin said .

"Morning dada !!" U said and they all laughed at ur cuteness .

"Babe ...I will have to go to and talk show today ...So Cosmo and rose take care of ur sister " scarlett said.

"Mama...!! Pleaseee no go !" U said....And cried .Scarlett took u and kissed ur head .

"I will back soon baby...And ur brother and sister will be there. ..Don't worry " Scarlett said but u didnt want her to go. So u hold her shirt with ur small hands and put ur head on her chest .

"Mama plwleee no go!!" U said again and tears poured ur eyes . U really needed Scarlett everytime . And she also never left much. She has given a hault to her profession for sometime until u are a little older. And she has plan to homeschool u and take u with her .

"Baby..It's just for today...i will come before ur nap time..."Scarlett said and u looked at her .

"Prwomise mama?" U asked holding up ur little pinky finger .

"Promise baby " Scarlett said matching ur pinky fingers . Everyone smiled .

"Why don't u like us lil one ?" Cosmo asked .

"Yes..dont u like ur brother and sister anymore doll ?" Rose asked .

"Nw ..Sissy and brw. Please no say ttwht mw love u both...Me jwut want mama more " u said and jumped on the bed and immediately . U immediately went in between rose and cosmo..

"Sissy ...Bro..down" u said and they bent their head down to u and u kissed their cheeks .

"Aww...Thanks lil one !!" Cosmo said nad both kissed ur head .

"Now I am going to take a shower and after that I will attend the talk show...!! Babe u also have to go to the SNL office right ? " Scarlett asked colin

"Yes...I will leave by 9 a.m. today " colin said and went into the shower .

"Now let's go and eat...What do u want for breakfast ?" Scarlett asked all of her children .

Mostly cosmo and rose loved and ate the same dish...They have many similarities .

"Mom...Um...Bacon sandwich..That's my and rose's favorite " Cosmo said and his 2 min younger sister nodded .

"Ok..And u munchkin ?" Scarlett asked .

"Me have what sissy and bro have " u said and they smiled .

scarlett Johansson ⴵ /her characters × Child imagines Where stories live. Discover now