40) new cast member ❤️🌏!! (scar) requested

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Requested by Scarlettsbottomx

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Requested by Scarlettsbottomx


Narrator's pov :

Everyone was busy with gossiping about random stuffs .

"No chris ..dont tell people that " Scarlett said with a cheesy smile.

"No...She is just ready to go" chris said and they laughed .

"So guys today a new cast member is joining ..Actually she is pretty young . And moreover u have to just easy with her . She doesn't have parents . To be honest I was passing through and orphanage and saw a her acting . It was children's day so they were acting ...Some marvel scenes . And she was doing the black widow...She was doing pretty good and I thought of bringing her here ..We were already looking for a girl to play black widow's daughter (A/N : pretend there is black widow's daughter in the movie )....I hope u will love her .." Russo said ...

"Yeah...But who is she ..Let her come in !!" RDJ said .

"Come in y/n" Russo said and u came in. U were small , cute baby girl. Just two years old .U have green eyes , button nose , rosey cheeks , small lips and cute smile . U waved to them ..

"Omg!! Russo ..She is so young what's her age ?" Scarlett asked .

"She is 2 years old and y/n say hi !!" Russo said.

"Hi !!" U said with small cute voice of urs.

"Hi baby ....Come sit !!" Lizzie said .

U waddled to them and sat beside them . Scarlett picked u up on her lap.

"U nat !" U ask .

"Yes...I am ..." Scarlett chuckled .

"Me big fwn of nat and wanda ." u said ...

"Aww thank u ..." Scarlett said .

U now noticed everyone...Everyone was wearing their costume...So u called everyone by their reel name .

"Wnda!!" U said and got down from Scarlett's lap and ran to Lizzie .She hugged u and picked u up.

"Hi...Welcome to the family !!" Lizzie said .
U suddenly became sad .

"Me no have family !" U said and tears drop ur eyes .Chris Evans was sitting next to Lizzie ..He wiped ur tears .

"No baby u have one now " Lizzie said .

"Yes...U have this big family here " RDJ said while cheering u up. U then said hi to everyone .And everyone was so happy with u...They already loved u .

"So today we will do a small portion of Scarlett and y/n scene and then we will proceed slowly " Russo said .Russo told u that Scarlett will be ur mom in the movie ...U became very happy and waddled to her .

scarlett Johansson ⴵ /her characters × Child imagines Where stories live. Discover now