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Requested by Scarlettsbottomx

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Requested by Scarlettsbottomx


Age : 2 year ( sorry but I thought being 2 year old will be cute ..Please don't mind)

Tw: none but fluff😉

Y/n = angel foster


Kelly's pov :

It was a beautiful morning....I yawned and woke up .It was 5 a.m. and I have to wake up now and give the animals food .I went outside and saw Benjamin already awake .

"Good morning " i said and smiled .

"Good morning kelly" he said and smiled back and went to towards the tiger's cage...I gave the birds and other animals food and then went out of the compound . I was walking freely around the compound and heard someone crying .I stopped for a moment . It seemed like a baby girl crying . I first thought it was rosie but no it was someone else . I can tell it was someone else by hearing the voice . It was coming from behind the bush . I went there and saw a little girl not more than 2 year old crying with her legs crounched to her chest and her head down ... She looked so small and frail. I went to her not to scare her . She looked at me and went behind a tree ...I did not mean to scare her . She was shacking heavily . I went to her and she cried again .

"Dont hwurt me ...Me no do awything" she said and hick up....

"I wont hurt you...U are so small...Where is ur mom? Are u lost? I can help you to find ur family " I asked and knelt to her height .

"no no...Me no go to twhem...thwy hurt me ...thwy left me " she said and again cried and went further back.

"Ok ok...I wont let u go to them ..Come to me...What is ur age?"

She hold up two little finger of her and cried again. I slowly moved towards her not wanting her to run away or get more scared. I slowly put my palm on her cheeks...She seems to calm down a bit ...So she put her face on my palm ...I put another palm on her little body ...I can she loved it. She moves closer to me. She has beautiful blue eyes, button nose , small pink lips , brownish blonde hair and her rosie cheek. She is so cute and beautiful . I stretched my arms and she ran to me and hugged me...Her small head on my chest and her small hands wrapped around my body . I kissed her temple . I picked her up and she is not even heavy as two year old. She hugged my neck and put her hands around my neck and her head on my crook my neck . I went back to my cabin and saw lily, rosie and dylan all were awake. They were sitting and chatting . They saw me and lily waved at me....Benjamin was sitting with them too.

"Who is this aunt?" Lily asked me.

"Ummm...I found her behind the bush near peacocks cage." I said while she hugged my neck tighter seeing all of them.

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