93) Loosing her ! part 2 (scarlett)❤️🌎

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Y/n's pov:

Shit ! Why did i yell ? I see Scarlett's teary eyes .

"Y/n why did u yell?" Colin asks holding my arms tightly. He made me face him .

"She is crying because of u . U sh*-. Nevermind, u are just . And scarlett was going to make u ours ! Glad we didn't " Colin yells . Cosmo cries . So Scarlett picks him up cradling him .

"Hey shh honey . Little boy it's okay mama's here " she said cooing Cosmo . I wish it was me. Colin hold my wrist tight so i pulled myself which hurt . I saw my wrist was already red .

"i don't want y/n to be here. She is bad . I dont want her HERE. GO AWAY" rose pushes me but she is small . I look at everyone with teary eyes . Scarlett looks at me but doesn't say anything.

I immediately run and leave. I went to the park where we i and Scarlett went when i was sad . I cry looking toward the lake . The moon was shining and everywhere there was moonlight .

"I am sorry i am so sorry i didn't mean to yell at her . I didn't mean to .i still love her as my own mother . She is my mama in my heart . But i don't wanna be in her family. I just want her to be my mama " i cry

"I will only be ur mama baby " i head her voice and turn around .

I see her with Lizzie holding hands .

They sit down beside me .

"I am sorry" i mumble .

"It's okay baby but i just want u to know u are my daughter too or maybe son "i look at her shocked .

"H-how do-do u know i am t-trans a-and wanna b-be boy " i am confused

"Oh baby mama's know everything . Specially when we share same blood " scalrett said and i look at Lizzie .

"She is kidding me right ?"

"No sweetie she isn't " Lizzie smiled .

"Well when i just passed high school and came to acting . I got pregnant and i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl . Well, i came to know it was u . Lizzie gave me infos and our DNA matches so its u my sweet cup " she kiss my forehead .


"what about rose and Cosmo " i asked

"They will live with their dad. We are getting divorce and Cosmo is too clingy to his children so he won't let them go . Moreover, we three will live together. I love Lizzie baby .she is ur another mother " Scarlett smiles


i jump and hug Scarlett

"i love u mama "

"I love u moreee " she kiss all over my face .

"Sorry baby i gave u up that time . I didn't hage anything to take care of u . I am so sorry "she kissed my head .

"It's oki i love u mama " i look at u

"And u too mum " i smile and she hugs me ..

They both kiss my head and we go to scarlett's home .

*Some months later *

My mothers have got married and i am on testesterone. Finally i can be a boy .

I run to my mother's room as it's morning and i need morning cuddles .

"Mama mum " i jump on their bed between them

I snuggle . Mama is warm and soft . I really love her touches . She softly combs my hair with her fingers .and kiss my forehead .

"Baby we have planned something for u " mum said

"Oh really what is it mum ?"

"I and ur mama is taking break from acting for some years until u are bigger and next week we are going on trip yay "

"Omg mum really wohooo " i smile

"Plus i and ur mum will open a company called outset . "Mama said

" That's good idea mama " i snuggle again

We cuddle all throughout the morning .

"I love u mama and mum " i smile agaisnt mama's chest .

"We love u more our baby boy " both of them kiss my head and we live happily


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