Chapter Seven

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Chanize POV

"Half way tree.... half way tree nice girl?" The conductor walked up to me,

"No," I shook my head.

Today I have to be in office, and usually I am saddened by this but today I am glad. Traveling tends to take me my mind off certain things.... things like Dwayne. I don't know what got in me last night, that caused me to... act up like that, but it can't happened again, and no one can know. Pushing my lips together, I hugged my hand bag as I walked through the Portmore taxi stand, any one who knows Spanish Town, knows that no matter how early the morning is, theives are common in this part of town.

I left home early... too early, it is now 8:38 AM and I should be on site, 11:45 AM. I left because I didn't want to have to deal with my cousin, I know he probably drunk and will sleep a little later in but I couldn't risk it. I didn't want to hear what went down lastnight at the party, I know how people can get when they are intoxicated and influenced by music. I had a choice, I could have went but instead I stayed home, I just... I am just the party type. But still, curiosity ate me up all night and I couldn't stop my self from wondering...

Did he enjoy the party? With out me even though I didn't attend?

I could have went, I should went... but my grandmother always tells me never be too available to a man.

But is it worth it? Playing hard to get?

Won't that push him to move on to his next interest?

Maybe it's for the best, I thought... things is better this way.

But I was upset with him, bossing around thinking I'm submissive, but he dead wrong.

Looking left then right, I stood infront of the fruit stall that was right at the front of the Portmore park. Wiggling my nose to the raw stench of the fishes being sold next to it. Hoisting my hand in the air, I cross the road quickly, heading over to LOJ plaza, I needed to get breakfast at the food court around to the back... everyone comes here.

Dipping into my bag, I fixed the mask over my both ears, pulling the shield part of it over my mouth and nose. With out a mask, no one can enter the plaza, sometimes police make examples out of the unruly ones who refuses to wear a mask, and decides not to take the vaccine, they will be charged with the endangering act, imprisoned and a they also have to pay a fee. Gone are the no wearing of mask days, it is here to stay and has fitted in well with our culture, after Covid 19 and the new straint Delta, we might as well accept the new way of life.

"HI, morning," I smiled, forgetting that the server can only see my eyes, but she must can see my high cheeks,

"Umm..." I swallowed hard, staring down at the mouth watering food through the protective shield. "I want the..." I froze,

"Honestly, I dont know the names of most of the stuff on the menu, just give me a two meat, fried rice, the noodle thing,"

"Ok, which two meats do you..." the server paused, staring at some thing behind me.

"I would like the ugh..." I turned around, folding my lips into a thin line when I saw, destiny is surely not finished with us, we have cross paths not once, nor twice but three...

Weh the fuck me seh? I thought.

That sound like something straight out of a bloodclaat poetry book... we live ina the same community of course we ago see each every now and then... not as often as I would like though.

Clearing my throat, I pretend as if he wasn't there... Pretending as if I wasn't moaning his name last night so I can reach my climax,

"I will have the stew pork, and that one," I pointed on a bright red meat with sesame seeds sprinkled all over it,

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