Chapter Ninety

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Chanize POV

Staring at nothing, the thought keep repeating in my head, I said yes.

"A wah happen?" Dwayne asked,

I looked up at him, we were sitting across from each other eating in silence.

"Ya second guess?" He sipped the mouth of the Malta bottle, folding his upper lip,

"No," I sucking crab leg from my mini seafood boil, I didn't know how he did it... But he got me what wanted despite how early in the morning it is, even though I did hearing him on his phone badding up someone to let him come by and put on the pot himself.

"I am just thinking about Ashley, I feel guilty... In a way," I munched and on piece of sausage,

"Guilty bout what? You know something weh me don't know?" I could feel his eyes piercing through my skull,

I sighed.

"No, it's happy moment Dwayne... Buts still a sad moment as well,"

"Gunbag a forward out today, Ashley ago good... Ago mek sure she get the best doctors babes,"

"Ashley cannot die," I felt hot tears spring behind my eyes, burning...

"Me know... Me sure Anju no wah lose the only hospital a St Catherine,"

I shook my head.
Always so violent.

"Who you wah break the new to first?" I asked, changing the conversation. Dwayne too dark sometimes, I don't know how I even bother.

"Which... Oh," he voice went low, "It's all up to you,"

"Your Mom?"

"Mhm Mhm, you know she ago come tell we fi go bless the union at her church... You know Rose,"

"I will invite my family then," I blushed,

Can you imagine when every body hear.

Like all Keisha, yeah... Keisha don't easy eno, me can't believe a she and Marvin deh, all because them have something in common... Dwayne.

"Wah you ago do bout Marvin?" I glanced up at Dwayne, who finished the drink and is scrolling through his phone.

"Him..." Dwayne, "Marvin good man,"

Saying licked my fingers, I liked the son of that, but at the same time, I didn't.

I don't want Dwayne to pull him self into any trouble.

My phone lit up.

Looking down at it.

My heart skipped a beat.


Weh you deh


You no see mi a call you phone.

Me outside.

I looked up at Dwayne who glanced at the phone quickly then shift his gaze back to screen, opening a peanut bag.


I need to come clean, I need to tell Shakeem the truth. He deserves better... Better than me and it's a pity that I am going to have to his lesson, but I am human, I am not perfect, I make stupid choices when I am hurt and I can see that, and I must admit that as fun as Shakeem might seem, as exciting the badness is, the heart wants what it wants and that's him.... I looked at him watch him juggle the roasted peanuts in his hand, before tossing them in his mouth.

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