Chapter Ninety Five

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Dwayne POV

Standing Infront of the mirror, I sighed as Chanize fixed the back of my shirt.

"B... Ano my style them ya eno," I mumbled.

"Weh you mean?" Her hand slide against my shoulder, as she made her way Infront me,

"It no look no way," she tiptoed, kissing my lips.

Today was the day we official tell Chanize people them, plus get the blessing from the most high.

"Miss Rose already at the churching waiting for us," Chanize added.

Staring down at her, I fold my lips as I adore how angelic she looked, light make up and a white dress... A dress that covers her up but still got my dick hard.

"Me just wah the day fi over," I mumbled, watching her as she walked away from me, puting on her earrings. Slipping my hand in my pocket, I rocked back and forth a bit, admiring what's mine.

It's almost one year, and now we are getting married, even after a rough patch. Fights, argument, batta ears, watse man.... We some how our way back to each other.

Love wins.

Staring back at my self in the mirror, I brushed the hemming of the shirt, Finally... the Don a settle down.

"Babe, where did the guys put my grey heels?"

I glanced at Chanize.

"Me no know Chan... Weh you a ask me say?"

I could heard her grumbling under her breath, as she bend over, looking under the dresser.

We don't even keep our foot wear there.

Walking over to her, I braced my self against her ass, she quickly stood up,

"Weh you over ya a say?" I slapped her ass.

"Nothing..." She lied,

Turning her around, I kissed the top of her head, I wrapped my hands around her. With a deep breath, she rest her face against my chest. Slowly we rocked to the still ness of the room... It was quiet.

"Is Ashley going to be ok?" She asked.

We haven't gotta to visit her, because she in and out of surgery.

"Yes, the doctors are doing all they can,"

"She should be here... To celebrate this happy moment with me," she mumbled.

And I agree.

Somebody afi pay.

There is something else with Ashley that I haven't told Chanize yet, Gunbag was the first to know though... Since he is the father, and he will have to choose saving Ashley's life, and not a stranger he has never met. Plus, weh mi a talk say? the belly young... Foetus still have on tail.

"She will be at the wedding... I promised," I stared into her eyes.

Coming to a stop... I kissed her lips.


"Me love you... You hear that?" I pulled away.

"Yes,"  she swallowed,

"Yes wah?" I raised my eye brow,

"Yes babes,"

"Good girl,"  I kissed her lips,


She giggled.

Caressing her back with my finger tips, I stared in her eyes.

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