Chapter Fifty Five

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Chanize POV

I laid back on the couch scrolling through my phone, Shakeem was across from me, sitting on the smaller settee.

The pit of my stomach felt light, I haven't been alone with a man since Dwayne and I split... And it will be two months soon.

Being here alone in my house with Shakeem made my whole body tingle, and I wish he just skin me out right on the couch.

Desiring thoughts crept in my mind, imagining the length and width of his cock,

Probably ago need a tape measure fi——

"Woman a sample eno..." Shakeem broke the silence

"You invite me to smoke and drink alone, while I watch you on your phone... Ano stage show eno,"

Honestly, I wasn't texting anyone, I was checking to see if Dwayne was online.

He wasn't, probably busy fucking his raw like fish white gyal

I laughed off Shakeem remarks.

My heart is broken sir.

"Nuh say that man, was just texting a friend,"

"Wah kind a friend so?"

"My best friend," I shot him a quick look.

I must be a stage show indeed, well—— that how his glances made me felt.

"You no smoke,"

"I think so," I sat up, biting my inner lip.

"Alright, me ago build you a spilff, in a the mean... Drink something with man, no make it look so,"

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, before standing.

Laying made my shorter, and I was too afraid to pull it down Infront of him.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat, "Me ago——" I stumbled on my words.

Shakeem sat back, sipping on one of the dragons I got for Shemar.

Well—— the same dragon he paid for.

"Me ago—— get a spoon... I mean cup," I quickly corrected my self.

"Then hurry back, can't see in a dark,"

I looked him puzzled, the light were on,

"But the lights are though——"

"Yeah?" He acted as if he was shocked, "All a long me think a you a light up the room B,"

I blushed again

Hoping my hair was hiding enough of my flustered cheeks,

I shyly looked away.

"I will be right back," I walked away... My ass bounced heavily behind me.

I could feel his eyes on my exposed butt cheeks.

I need to go change, I thought.

I wasn't wearing any undies and I was scared my wet pussy will soak right through.

Pulling down the shorts as much I could, I reached up for a wine glass, setting it down on the counter.

"Don't do it girl... Don't do it..." I counseled my self, as empty cubes of ice in

Breathing heavily.

Taking a deep breath, I head back.

"Me is no big drinker like you," I joked as I cornered the wall,

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