Chapter 1- Meet Me & My Friends

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Disclaimer: This story was written by a 13 year old me that has alot of weird imaginations and had some problem with writing a good story plot since I was still new to writing before. So it might be sooo cliche for you. But hope you enjoy this!! And PS: Wrong grammars are everywhere, and typos aswell XD I didnt proofread this. Sorry! :)

Chapter 1

Selena's P.O.V

Yay!! I almost forgot, we have a bonding day out today with my bestie. We plan to go to the mall today.

But first of all i'll introduce my self, Im Selena Marie Gomez, I have a long black hair, im from Grand Prairie, Texas but iam living here in England with my friends, I was born on January 22 1993. my parents left me when i was just 10. They left me with my grandmother but she died when I was 16 so i decided to have a job as a crew to a restaurant. Ive earned a lot of money enough for me to go to college and live on my own, and then I met my friends there at my school. They are Taylor, Demi, Danielle, & Eleanor.

We are obssessed to One Direcion and we always say 'We will meet them and they will like us'. Crazy right? Each of us like one of them mine is Zayn, Taylor likes Harry, Demi to Niall, Eleanor to Louis, and Danielle to Liam.

My phone vibrated, interrupting me with my thoughts, it was from Taylor, she said "hey girl were here at your front door..x" i text her back "ok iam coming down there just wait a second" immediately I rush through the front door to open it, and i see my beautiful besties and I let them in.

"Hey girls i'll just get myself ready for this beautiful day, wait for me" i said.

"Ok we will just watch here, we'll wait for you" Dani said

After that i rush to my bathroom and take a quick shower and then i brush my teeth, i go to my walk in closet to get my clothes. After that i go down to eat my breakfast. I hear a screaming sound coming from the living room, i rush there to see my friends shouting and jumping in joy.

"hey what are you guys doing? what's the matter?"

"oh god you will never believe me, 1D is picking 5 fans and date them,The news said they will pick via livestream.You just need to make a video, do whatever you want sing,dance,act or joke. Maybe this is the time for us" Eleanor said while jumping.

"hey i have a plan what if we have a sleepover tonight and we will make a video me, Demi,and Taylor will sing. While Eleanor and Dani will dance, is it okay with you guys?" i suggested

"hell YEAH" they all said."Now lets go to the mall to pick what are we going to wear so we will look gorgeous. COME ON GIRLS!!" i said

We all rush outside and call a cab.


hey guys thanks for reading my first fan fic, hope you like it.. sorry for all the mistakes,,,

share,fan and like i'll appreciate it


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