Chapter 8- Memories

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Chapter 8

~Selena's P.O.V.~

I woke up at 3 in the afternoon. I go to my bathroom to brush my teeth then i go downstairs and I see my Friends cleaning. Dani is in the kitchen,Taylor and Eleanor in the liviong room. I call Demi to help me clean my room.

"Demi, Can you help me clean my room?"

"Yeah ,Sure!"

We go upstairs and started to my closet. I arranged my clothes. I put the undergarments,Shirts, Shorts/Jeans very well and organized, While Demi is sweeping the floor. I go to my footwears, arranged them by pairs starting with Sandals,Shoes,Converse,Toms,Sneakers and Flipflops. Then i got to my accessories table to arrange them, then I go to my dress section and i arranged it very well. I like to buy lots of clothes and accessories cause I find it really cute and I want to ba a fashion designer someday.When Im finish i go to my Table and Bed. I change the covers, while im changing my bracelet falls off and go underneath the bed. And i see a box.

I get it and it have a name "Memories", I opened it and I see lots of picures including when i was just in the TV show Barney& Friends.

"What was that?" Demi asked.

"Old memories when i was just a kid."

"Can I see it"

"Yeah,sure"She get it and look at my pics.

"Wait, you are also in this TV Show?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Im here too, look its me!" She exclaimed while pointing at a girl with glasses.

"And that's me" I point at myself.

"Oh, I remember you now"She said.

"Yeah, You are Angela in that show!" I exclaimed.

"And you are Gianna!" She said.

"We knew each other when we are just kids,Then years after we meet again!!"

"You've change a lot, You are more beautiful right now" i exclaimed.

""And you too. Look at our faces!" she says.

We finish cleaning and we head downstairs.

"We're finish!!" I said

"Yeah!" El shout

"I want to go to the mall" Taylor said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Lets go"Dani said

"Let us change first" WE say

We all take a bath and get ready then we hop into the car. Then we arrive after 20 minutes.

"Oh! , Guys i will just buy something at the bookstore" i say

"Okay" Dani answer back.

"We will wait for you at the Starbucks!" Demi said.

I enter the bookstore, and ask the saleslady.

"Miss, where can i find the bookset section here?" i ask

"In that section" She answer while pointing at the corner.

"Thanks!" i say then go to the section.

I find the bookset of Diary Of A Whimpy Kid Book. I go to the cashier and pay, I saw a J14 Mag of 1D. I grab it then pay for it too then i walk out the store heading to Starbucks.I find my friends and approach them.

"Oh. What did you buy?"Dani asked

"Diary Of A Whimpy Kid and a J14 mag of 1D" i say.

"Can i see the magazine?" EL asked.

"Sure!" I say and hand her the magz.

"Oh, Im going to order" I excused myself.


I go to the cashier and order.Then I came back to our booth.

"Look!! Its us with the boys at the mall, inside the Starbucks.Its our first time to meet them" El said.

"We're known now" Taylor said

"YEah, but not that famous" Dani said.

"Guys, an Agencies call me and said if i liked to sign a singing contract" Demi said.

"Do you accept it?" I asked.

"Yeah, they see our video and they are asking for Taylor too"

"So do you accept it Taylor?" i asked.

"Yes, its my time to shine!!" She laugh.

"Hollister call me and and ask if i like to ba a model then i accept it" Eleanor said.

"Me same but with dancing industries. I will be dancing for Jessie J and they say i will meet more" Dani exclaimed.

"All of you have careers and I am the only one left behind" I said.

"You just wait. It'll come" El said.

"I wish" I said,I really like to have a career.

We now go to Forever21 to buy clothes.

-Hours Passed-

We finished shopping and we're heading home now. Suddenly my phone rings.I answered it.

-Phone Convo-

B:Goodevening miss Gomez

ME: Goodevening, who is this?

B:Im one of SYCO Industries.

ME: Oh God!! But why are you calling?

B:Mr. Cowell wants to know if you like to sign a singing contract.

ME:I would love too!!

B:Do you have free time tomorrow?

ME: Yes.

B: Simon wants you to go to the SYCO Building at 3 in the afternoon. The boys know the address of this building.

ME: Okay.I will go thanks!

B:Thanks! Goodluck for tomorrow!!

-End of Convo-

"Who is it?"Dani asked

"It's one of the SYCO Staff an he said that Simon Cowell wants me to sign a contract" I answered

"OH,that's great!" Dani exclaimed.

"I told yah.!!" Eleanor said.

WE arrived at the house. Then we just take a quick shower then we lay on our sleeping areas.

Who told Simon that I can sing?!....Aha,Zayn!! he have my video singing.Thanks to him, without him, i am not going to achieve my dreams. Im really excited for tomorrow.I need to sleep now.ZZZ


New update!! I hope you like it so far.I already have the other chapters but i only write it in my notebook, and when i have time i update it. And all your comments and likes can help so i can update earlier.



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