Chapter 24-Photoshoot & Lovely Dates

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~Selena's P.O.V~

Zayn and I are on our way to the studio for the photoshoot.He dont have anything to do so he volunteer to come with me and watch me making poses.

As we arrive,Susan,my personal assistant.Who is in middle thirties,Approach me to the studio room.

"Maam, this way."she says.

"Okay. But can you just call me Selena or Sel? No need for ma'am" I smiled while we are following her.

"Yes ma- i mean Selena" she nod and smile. I smiled back.

We enter a room with many lights,cameras,beatiful dresses, mirrors and many more. I see Zayn smile when he sees the big mirror.

"You like that huh?" i joke.

"Yes!! Let me have a time with it" he says and he was about to run when i hold his wrist,pouting

"Why? Do you love it than me??" i faked cry.

"Naww!! Dont cry.Ofcourse I love more"He says and kissed my cheeks.

"Nah. Just say that pick up line of yours to the mirror." i said and i walk away.

"Dont leave me!!"He fake cry then we burst out laughing.

"Okay. Lets get back to work."I say and a girl do my makeup and they hand me lots of clothes.Then we start taking pictures. While Zayn makes faces behind the camera man, resulting me to laugh and we made the camera man angry.

After about 3 hours were finished and start to pack things and Zayn plan to bring me to a restaurant.

"Bye everyone!!Bye susan!!" I shout and waved goodbye.

"Bye Mirror!!"Zayn says and we laugh. We walk out of the building to the car and drove to our destination.

"We arrived!" Zayn said.We go out of the car and we enter the restaurant.

"Goodmorning Sir,Ma'am" the receptionist greeted. We go to our table at the corner. While we are waiting for our order we talk about everything and about tours. When the food arrived we eat it. Then Liam called Zayn telling they will go somewhere important so Zayn drive me home. Maybe i'll just do a new song or follow some fans orrr maybe do a twitcam when im bored.

"Lets go home. I'll drive you back" Zayn says and we hop in the car.After minutes of driving we arrive.

"Bye. Take Care!!" i say and hug Zayn.

"Bye Babe." he said and kiss me then he goes back to his car and drive away. I go to my room and change into a tanktop and a shorts. I.get my Macbook and open twitter.

'@selenagomez: followspree guys!!'

i got lots of favorites and retweets. I click my Followers button and follow as many as i can. After about 30 minutes i finished and tweet something new.

'@selenagomez: Guys im having a twitcam!' i set my twitcam ready and start it. As soon As I start it, i got alot of viewers.Wow!

"Hi!!" I waved at the camera. Lots of them replied a series of Hellos

"So, I just finished my photoshoot and guess what!?!?"

"Im starting tour on May 25th!! yey." a series of 'im excited' and 'i will go' pop in my screen.

"Thanks for your support guys. I wouldnt be here without you guys!! So what are we going to do next??" they replied 'prank callings'

"Ok. so prank calling here we go!!" i grab my phone and click Demi's number and gave her a ring.

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