Chapter 19- The Break-Up

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Chapter 19

~Zayn's P.O.V~

"Zayn im breaking up with you" then she hung up.

That words broke me into pieces.

I will not give up.I dont want to lose her,She means the world to me.

I will try my best to do anything just for her. Just like Bruno Mars song, Grenade.

I will think what to do,maybe I can get help with the boys.I'll ask for advices.

~Louis' P.O.V~

Eleanor and I keep updating each other on what's happening with Selena and Zayn.

Lately,I always see Zayn smoking.He doesnt smoke since he's with Selena,He's always drinking,And Niall said that Zayn was about to cut himself but he convinced him not to.

We're worried sick about him, he doesnt eat,he wont come down,he's always at his room.

On the other hand.Eleanor said that Selena is the same.She doesnt eat,and wont come down.

We all try our best to bring them back together,And it's really hard.And El said that Selena broke up with Zayn.

Eleanor convinced Selena that Zayn didn't do anything,and it was Khate's fault.But Selena is really hurt,who wouldn't??She see's in the picture that Zayn looks like he's enjoying it.

I will try to talk to Zayn and give him advices,maybe it can help. I knock at Zayn's room.

"Zayn!! Its me Lou,can you open the door?" I pound the door.Then the door flew open.

"What do you want?!" he asked.I look around his room and its look like a tornado ran past here.

"I just want to talk to you"I say and I let myself in while he lays on his bed.

"What do think I should do?"he ask

"You should get her back.Do anything just to tell her that you really love her.And if she really loves you,she will come back to you." i say.

"I cant live without her" He cries

"I know.But just give her time." I say and head out the room.

~Eleanor's P.O.V~

Im painting my nails right now. Uhm what color is the best?? Pink,Blue,Purple or Green. I think i'll just paint it pink.

I finish painting my nails and I let it dry.

*5 minutes later*

My nails are perfectly coated pink.I go to my closet and pick what to wear.Oh!! I forgot to tell you that Louis asked me for a date today.

I pick a strapless pink dress knee-high, a black heels and pouch.

I started to put make up.A bit of eyeliner,mascara,blush, and lipstick.And that's it, im finished.I go downstairs to wait for Louis, just then the doorbell rang and I open it.Standing there is a handsome man wearing tux.OMG Im Dying!!

"Lets go ma'lady"He said and we go to the car and he started driving in the restaurant.We arrive at the restaurant and we head inside.

"Good evening Mr&Mrs Tomlinson,lets go this way"The receptionist says and ushered us to a booth.

"Uhm we're not married" I say

"Yet" Louis said.Then we sit down.

"What's with the 'Yet'?" I ask.

"Im going to marry you someday"He said and i laugh.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, We love each other" he says and i blush.

"Aww!! You are so sweet!!" I say and kiss him in the lips.

We continued to eat and talk about stuffs..When suddendly I saw a familiar guy at the other table.John, my ex-boyfriend, who cheat on me with my bestfriend,Mackenzie. He just used me to be closed to Mackenzie, and I dont even know that thy're together while we still have our relationship.

"Eleanor!! What's wrong?!" Louis asked.

"No-nothing!" I say and he look in my eyes.

"Tell me babe, but its okay if you dont want to.." He says and i started telling him the story.

"Its okay babe,he's not worth it. He doesn't know that he let go of a beautiful girl like you" he smiled.

"Thank you.That's why I love You" I say and kiss him.

We keep talking and I excuse myself to the bathroom when someone pulled my wrist and pushed me to the wall.

Who the hell is this person?!? I cant see the face because its dark here.


Who is it?!?!? ahaha....So im so sad because of what happens in Boston bombing..And they say Zayn did it. because his a terrorist.And iam really sad for him. soo....i have a little message

Dear Haters,

Can you back off of our boys??you are just freakin jealous of them. Back off or i will make a marathon full of haters and throw bombs at them..Understand?!?! Kay..Directioners around the world      are all in this together,So go away if you dont want to lose your heads.

And for Zayn..

Dear Zayn,

I know you cant read this, but I want you to stay strong,All of us directioners do.We love you...We are family here,be strong..Dont let Haters kill your dreams. Remember they're just J.E.A.L.O.U.S and all they can do is hate on you.Just grab some mirror and check yourself,have a happy life,they will get tired of it.And Karma's are EVERYWHERE!! As I say, Karma's A B*tch..Haha sorry for the language..Take Care!!


Im so sad for Zayn,but I know he's strong and he dont give a Sh*t about it.

Soo new update!!

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P.S: Im obsessed to Lucy Hale's songs<3


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