Chapter 32- Happy Birthday!!

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~Selena's P.O.V~

'Niall where ae u?" I messaged Niall.

'at the mall. be back at 30' he replied.

'kay.oh Zayn will pick u up'

'ok. where will i meet him'



"GUYS!! Niall will be here in 30.Is everything ready?Check everything" I shout .Then i recieved a series of 'ready and 'done'.

~Niall's P.O.V~

I walked to Starbucks to meet Zayn there, I dont know why though. He said he have to get something on my house, his jacket. his fave one.

"Zayn!" I whisper shout then approach him on his table

"Oh.Hey!! Lets go!!" he says and we head back to his car.

We're driving back to my house,then I noticed something is wrong.

"Hey Zayn,this isnt the way to my house. Its Selena's" I said,confused.

"Yeah I know, im just going to get my wallet. Imma treat you at Nandos!!"

"Okay!! YAY Nandos!!" i said happily and we pull the car and got out. I wanna join him, to greet Selena.

"Lets go!!" We open the door and open the lights. Why are they closed?

"SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL!!' everyone pop outs and shouted,making me scared. Im claustrophobic.Oh YAY its my birthday. haha. means more food!! OMG.

"Happy Birthday mate" Zayn said and hug me, in the brotherly way,

I look around the house and its decorated with banners,balloons,and on the table surrounded by my friends and relatives, are food.

"Thanks Everyone!!" I smiled.

"Let's get this party started. DJ Tommo in the house!!" Louis shouts and everyone started dancing.

"Happy birthday babe!!" Demi said and kissed me.

"Thanks babe" i say and hug her.

"Oh,here's my gift for you" She smiled and hand me a medium size green box.

"Open it later" She winked and i nod.

"Thanks babe. I love you!" I say.

"I Love you too!!" She said and we go to the dance floor and danced.

~Selena's P.O.V~

The party went well.The boys get drunked,except for Liam.We decided to end the party,since everyone is tipsy.

"Everyone! thanks for coming in Niall's birthday."Liam said  and evryone got out saying their last greeting to Niall. We started cleaning it, but first bring the boys to our rooms.

After we finish cleaning, we go to our own rooms and sleep with our boyfriends.

I dont change at all cause im really tired. I slowly lay in the bed,beside where a drunk Zayn. I closed my eyes and I feel strong arms hold me on my waist and pull me close to his body.I just smile and drift off to sleep.      


UPDATE!! sorry ive been busy :)) 3 more chapters :(( 5 VOTES AND 3 COMMENTS FROM DIFFERENT PEOPLE FOR NEXT CHAPTER!!!



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