~Epilouge~ (Last Chapter)

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~Selena's P.O.V~

*3 Years Later*

I have an amazing life now. Im happy with my small family. Me,Zayn,and Kaylee Aaliyah Savannah Malik (a/n: i know its a long name but i kinda like all of that names so yeah :P)

Kaylee is our 3 year old daughter. She is so cute with those lips,nose and eyes of hers. She got that all to Zayn. All she got in mine is my skin color and my smile. She is mine and Zayn's little angel,blessing and the result of our love. I love her. I would die just for her.

As for the other gang, they all got a perfect life aswell. Nemi are engaged,Elounor is engage and expecting a baby boy,Payzer have a cute 2 year old twins,Samantha and Sammy. Haylor is also expecting a baby girl. I must say, we are the amazing uncle and aunts the kids could wish for. We all got a perfect life.

As for our careers, the boys,me and demi are still singing,but we join the lads in their tour. Every tour. Danielle is a dancer of One Direction aswell. Eleanor and Taylor joins us aswell but they didnt perform,they just watch us and well playing with the kids.

I just cant imagine that all of this happened, i thought I will be marrying a simple guy and will work at Starbucks or McDonalds. All this singing,dancing and acting never came to my mind and be the reason I'll have a perfect life. And especially, Zayn. He help me with all of this.

"Mwummy! Dwaddy wont tweach me how to swim" Kaylee said while she hugs my legs. I pick her up and sit her on a small chair.

"Thats because Daddy didnt know how to. He's afraid of waters" i said and tucked her black wavy hair behind her ears. Zayn hears me and came close to us.

"No dont believe mummy, she's lying." Zayn said.

"Mwummy tells lies?" Kaylee mumbled

"No im not. Daddy do." i said and glare at Zayn. He chuckled.

"Ohh someone's at the door, it might be uncle Liam and aunt Dani. Let them in!!" i smile at Kaylee and she jumped and squeal and then goes to the door to open it and play with her friends.

"Why did you tell her I cant swim?" Zayn frown.

"I want to" i said and stuck my tongue out at him he just jumped towards me and hug me.

"Now she'll tease me" he pout.

"Well im going to tell you something." i said

"What is it?"

"Well im pregnant" i said.

"Oh My Gosh!! im going to have my second child!!" he said and hug me. He kissed me all over my face while I just giggled.

"Well lets go invite the gang and tell them the news. And Kaylee will be a older sister now!" Zayn jumped.


*9 Months Later*

"Push in three!!"

"1....2....3...push!!!" I push hard then I heard a cry. I smiled.

"Its a boy. Congratulations!" the doctor said

"Babe you did it!!" Zayn said and kiss me. I saw them put the baby in a blue towel and hand him to us.

"Kristopher Javadd Malik" Zayn said and i smile.

"Thats a perfect name. Kristopher Javadd Malik" i said. We let the gang enter the room. Together with Kaylee,Samantha,Sammy,William(Elounor's son), Sophia (Haylor's Daughter)

"OMG he is so cute!!!" Eleanor said.

"Mummy is that my baby brother?" Kaylee asked as she came close and look at his younger brother.

"Yes Kaylee. He's Kristopher Javadd Malik" Zayn answer for me.

"We pick Demi as his Godmother and Harry as his Godfather" I smile at them.

"OMG thank you!!" They both said. Well they really want to be my his godparents.

They look at the baby in my arms and said how cute he is. Our beautiful angel.

I look at them. They all have a big smile on their faces. Zayn is carrying Kaylee since she cant see his brother. I smiled at how good Zayn is for a father.

I must say, Im so thankful for everything. Well I cant still believe that before im just a simple fan. A fan in the crowd. Im one of those millions of girls,we all have the same dreams,happy ending. A perfect boy like the guys. I felt bad because I broke some heart, thier fans. But I just want to say,dont give up on your dreams.It might not come on the exact date you want it to be. But just patience and hardwork will bring you to it.

All of this isnt a dream. Its real. I achieved my dreams already. Dont give up, Dreams Do Come Alive.


Okay im crying, its the end. Im gonna miss you guys. Thanks for the support. For reading,voting and commenting. You are a part of my life. Thanks for everything.

Im going to miss you guys.

Hope you like this book. The book I worked hard on.

Im so sad. really.

We will all have our happy ending. It might not be with the boys. There is a perfect guy,your soulmate.


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